An undisputed leader with 20 years of experience in the field of investments and business integrations, constantly improving his professional level and striving for perfectionism. Having extensive knowledge in the field of business management theory and methods, Dumitru managed to organize and open a network of offices and representative offices on various continents: Portugal, Switzerland, France and Africa.
Dumitru's fundamental activity is investment construction. He is the largest real estate developer and reconstructor in Europe, in particular in countries such as Portugal, France and Germany. To date, 107 real estate properties in various locations in Europe have been successfully implemented and commissioned. Among the real estate objects: business centers, residential and non-residential buildings, luxury country villages.
The export of precious metals and precious stones is the second area of activity. Dumitru has repeatedly carried out long-term business trips on his own to establish a business and build a work structure in Africa. An office has been opened in the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Kinshasa and a company has been registered with export licenses that allow the process of exporting precious metals and precious stones from the original source from Africa to the final buyer. Dmitry is also a co-investor in a commercial project in Luanda (Angola) and has friendly relations and positions with government agencies in Africa.
Dumitru has been engaged in Crypto trading for 5 years, focusing on long-term investments and serious research. He made a name for himself as a cryptanalyst. His Cryptanalysis method is dedicated to a thorough and detailed analysis of the prospects of cryptocurrencies and their potential to create significant value over time.
Structurality, perfectionism, realization and achievement of the designated goals are Dumitru's main slogan.
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