
Mohamed A. CHERIF

En résumé

Lead Architect chez Constellation, groupe IT spécialisé dans le cloud computing, la cybersécurité, le DevOps, la data science et l'analytics, je dispose de plus de 10 ans d'expérience en tant qu'expert multi-certifié (MCSE, MCSA, MCITP, MCTS, MCP) dans le domaine de la data.

Penseur conceptuel et polymathe doté d'un fort esprit entrepreneurial, je m'intéresse à une variété de sujets business et technologiques. Et j'ai assumé, au cours de ma carrière, des missions d'expertise chez un certain nombre d'organisations issues de différents secteurs: finance, assurance, énergie, secteur public, grande distribution, secteur pharmaceutique, etc.

Sur le plan académique, je possède un Master ès Sciences en Bases de données et Intelligence artificielle.


Bases de données: RDBMS (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), NoSQL (HBase, OpenTSDB, Cassandra, Redis, MongoDB, Neo4j, Cosmos DB).
Business Intelligence: MSBI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, PowerBI), Talend, Pentaho.
Big Data/IoT: Hadoop, Spark, Storm, Kafka, Flink, NiFi, etc.
Data Science: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Ensemble Learning.
Méthodologies: UML, MERISE, ITIL, Agile, Scrum, Kanban.

Mes compétences :
Databases (RDBMS, NoSQL)
Machine Learning
Business Intelligence
Intelligence artificielle
Internet of Things


  • Constellation - Lead Architect

    2018 - maintenant As Constellation's Lead Architect, I assume the role of technical guru for all data technologies within the Group's Center of Excellence. As a result, my role is to focus on:
    ► *C*onstructing high-level data processing and analysis systems based on the latest data evolutions (DBMS, BI, Big Data, AI).
    ► *O*ptimizing existing data systems of customers and the Group to ensure high levels of performance, scalability, availability and security.
    ► *N*ormalizing collaborations with the various technical resources of the Group in order to carry out data-oriented projects.
    ► *S*upporting and overwatching engineers, DBA, data scientists in carrying out their tasks.
    ► *T*ransforming the Group as a forward-thinking company on data technologies.
    ► *E*valuating global environments and readjust goals to cope with technological developments related to data technologies.
    ► *L*eading a variety of R&D projects from data modeling to predictive analytics and data visualization, through BI, Big Data and AI.
    ► *L*everaging my expertise and experience by providing training and high-level support to the Group's technical resources.
    ► *A*ssisting the Group's customers and partners on various data projects.
    ► *T*urning my experience and expertise as a data processing and analytics expert into a real knowledge base in the Group.
    ► *I*mplementing procedures and best practices around DBMS, BI, Big Data and AI.
    ► *O*rganizing and leading technical meetings.
    ► *N*ourishing win-win partnerships with top-flight players in the field of data (Microsoft, Hortonworks, Cloudera, MapR, Databricks, etc.).
  • Time Is Life - CTO & Managing Partner

    PARIS 2012 - 2018 As Time Is Life’s CTO and Data Expert, I delivered value as result of leveraging technology in changing business environments by focusing on:
    ► *T*urning Time Is Life into a permanent visionary and innovative FinTech/RegTech company.
    ► *I*mplementing new systems and processes that realize the company's business goals.
    ► *M*oving business from abstract world of ideas to concrete world of deliverables.
    ► *E*valuating global environments and readjusting objectives to face new information about markets and technologies.
    ► *I*ncorporating, building and managing world class engineering teams with a strong R&D culture.
    ► *S*haring my experience and expertise as a data processing and analytics expert.
    ► *L*eading all R&D projects from data modelling to predictive analytics and data visualization, through Business Intelligence, Big Data and Deep Learning.
    ► *I* mplementing various methodologies, including Agile and Scrum, to strengthen business and IT productivity within the company.
    ► *F*acilitating strategic partnerships with major technical leaders (Microsoft, Hortonworks, Cloudera,…).
    ► *E*stablishing key relationships within and without the company through open and clear communications, with the aim of learning and leveraging what others value.

    In a nutshell: I applied the T-I-M-E I-S L-I-F-E philosophy to continuously improve the company’s business strategies with the use of key technologies: SQL Server (from 2012 to 2017), MS BI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power BI), Hadoop, HBase/OpenTSDB, Spark, Kafka, NiFI, R, Azure,
  • INTRINsec - DBA & BI Engineer

    Nanterre 2010 - 2012 For various customers from different sectors (bank, insurance, finance, energy, industry...), my missions as a DBA were the following ones:
    ► *I*nstalling and configuring MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 R2 database, datawarehouse and reporting servers (standalone mode/failover cluster mode).
    ► *N*ormalizing, modeling and designing SQL Server databases and MS BI tools (OLAP cubes, ETL packages and reports).
    ► *T*racking and reorganizing all the (SQL Server database and datawarehouse) servers.
    ► *R*ealizing daily audits and administration of SQL Server databases and datawarehouses (performance tuning, query optimization, security, user/role management, reindexing/backup/restore strategies,...).
    ► *I*mplementing high-availability solutions (log shipping, database mirroring, (geo)clustering,..), various replication types (snapshot, transactional, merge) and disaster recovery plan (DRP) strategies.
    ► *N*eutralizing and solving various critical problems (level 2 & 3), in an ITIL context, related to RDBMS and BI.
    ► *S*haring latest technological developments related to RDBMS and BI.
    ► *E*nabling viable migration strategies for RDBMS and servers.
    ► *C*onducting several consulting and training missions on RDBMS and BI.

    Main technologies used: SQL Server (from 2000 to 2008 R2), MS BI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS), Oracle (from 8 to 11g), MySQL (4.0, 5.0), PostgreSQL (from 8.0 to 9.1), VMWare ESXi, Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, RHEL), Windows Server (from 2000 to 2008 R2).
  • Factea Group (AT-Kearney spin-off) - DBA

    2010 - 2010 As a DBA, my missions were the following ones:
    ► *F*ormalizing best practices related to databases through various internal procedures.
    ► *A*nalyzing and designing existing information systems (UML, UWE).
    ► *C*onfiguring and deploying SQL Server instances and databases in a Hyper-V virtualized environment.
    ► *T*racking various database and server issues and resolving them.
    ► *E* valuating best strategies to improve the marketing and sales systems; and applying them by configuring and integrating Dynamics CRM and SSRS reports linked to the local wiki based on LAMP.
    ►*A*dministering servers and databases in a daily basis: maintenance plans, performance tuning, query optimization, etc.

    Main technologies used: UML, UWE, SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Dynamics CRM 4.0, MediaWiki.
  • Coordination SUD - Software Developer

    2007 - 2007 As a software developer, my missions were the following ones:
    ► *C*ollecting and modeling existing information systems and needs (Merise).
    ► *S*etting up and designing an SQL Server database of Coordination SUD's NGO members.
    ► *U*tilizing VB.NET to implement a GUI application for the NGO database.
    ► *D*esigning interconnection strategies between the GUI and Coordination SUD's website based on MySQL / PHP (using replication and PHP scripts).

    Main technologies: used MERISE, SQL Server 2005, VB.NET, Windows Server 2003 R2, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).


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