Automation and Industrial IT engineer graduated from Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, one of the best schools in Automation engineering.
My interests are focused on Automation systems, electronics, and all what is related to maintenance and projects management.
Self-driven, highly motivated, high adaptability capacities, mastering communication, presentation and public speaking skills, with various experiences in different environments. I believe in team work and the good Leadership spirit.
Im qualified to conduct project and managing the complet automation process. In addition I have skills in:
Automated systems. PLC programming. Embedded systems. Electrical machinery. Industrial regulation. Electronics, Vhdl, FPGA. Project management and production. Methods and tools for maintenance. Quality management and standardization.
Mes compétences :
Programmation des automates
Architecture de contrôle et de supervision
Langage de programmation VHDL.
Management de la qualité et normalisation
Réseaux locaux industriels
Gestion des projets, de la production
Analyse fonctionnelle et élaboration
Automatique linéaire, régulation industrielle.
Bureautique (Word, Excel, Prezi…)
Conception des installations électriques.
Langages de programmation : C et C++
Electronique de puissance et machines électriques.
Capteurs et organes d’asservissements
Méthodes et outils de la maintenance.
Programmation des microcontrôleurs.