
Mohamed NIANG

En résumé

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - I am passionate about developing and applying machine learning methods for building algorithms and predictive models using a variety of datasets for solving impactful real world problems.

SPECIALITIES: Data Science, Deep Learning, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

• Programming: Python, R, Stata, C, C++, Java, SQL, SAS, HTML, CSS, Java-Script, PHP, VBA
• Numerical Tools: Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib, MLlib
• Machine Learning Skills: Supervised Methods: Neural Networks, Linear and Logistic Regression
• SVM and Kernel Methods, Decision tree
• Ensemble Methods: Random Forest, Boosting, Bagging, Meta-classification
• Other Modeling Techniques: LASSO, Elastic Net regression
• Unsupervised Methods: Model based and K-means clustering, PCA, LDA


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