For my diploma to become a personal of superintendent, it is essential to have work experience in a petroleum campanie.
To be a superindentent,it is needed to have a highly valuable work experience.
I am hoping to work for an international campanie and would be particulary pleased to have some knowledges.
I am looking to pursuit my successful career by working for an international company so that I will have new skills & competences.
A more then five -years experience period is a compulsary part of my course, and the report which I will write about my placement in your company will be presented orally for the examination.
Moreover, a placement in your firm would enable me to perfect my experiance.
I spent more than five years working in the petroleum field & I will try to explain and show my skills either verbally or written during the interview.
I would be very grateful if you would agree to give me a placement in your firm from nearly date.
Work experience in electric and instrumentation would enable me to gain the knowledge of petrochimie industrie which I need.
My career in electrical & intrumentation companies enabled me to improve and practice the skills I got during my studies.
I will be really very grateful if you agree to give me a chance to meet you & be a member within your honorable company.
Phone number:0021695818731
Pas de formation renseignée