Red Bull
- Chef de secteur Grandes et Moyennes Surfaces
Paris2015 - maintenantMaillage auprès des managers et directeurs de magasin
Négociation de référencement et visibilité chez 170 clients GMS/Proxi et Cash&Carry
Organisation de mises en avant et des opérations promotionnelles
Mises en place d'outils d'aides à la vente additionnelle (Habillages linéaires, PLV, Cross-merchandising)
- Vice-President
2013 - 2014Organised of the communication strategy
Coordinated student life's events at ESCE
Elaborated the student associations' budget in collaboration with the treasurer
Animated and communicated with ESCE's student associations
Prospected and negociated with providers and event organizers
Communicated with ESCE administrators
Tencate Geosynthetics
- Export & Sales Assistant
BEZONS2012 - 2014Processed and registered orders on SAP
Tracked clearance and custom documents
Redacted commercial offers and proforma invoices
Client reminder and credit risk management
Admnistration of Geodetect projects
MONTROUGE2011 - 2011Negociated the referencement and optimised the visibility of INNOCENT DRINKS smoothies in hundred of point of sales.
Prospected the wholesalers and corporate restauration sites
Dynamised the Customer Relationship - information about INNOCENT DRINKS promotions and offers
Promoted INNOCENT DRINKS new products
- Marketing / Communication Assistant
2010 - 2010Benchmarking of post-baccalauréat business schools
Market surveys on parallel admissions
Realised the ESCE Press Book
Coordinated Concours SESAME oral exams
Welcome and advised Concours SESAME applicants
- Salesman
Arteixo2009 - 2009Advised the customers
Restocked the shelves
ESCE Paris (Boulogne Billancourt)
Boulogne Billancourt2009 - 2014Master Commerce International spécialité Supply Chain Management