Consultant Financier
specialité LTN's - Bonds du Tesouro Nacional
Travaille uniquement avec le Brésil
I contact you in order to present you my skills for a possible collaboration.
I have lived in Brazil for more than 20 years, and now I work with bonds issued by the Brazilian government; and by the Central Bank of Brazil. These bonds have been emitted between 1970 and 1975, during a phase in which the government needed funds in order to build infrastructures such as schools, roads…
These bonds (called LTN for « National treasure bonds ») are physical bonds linked to the bearer. They increase their value by 12.21% each semester. However, the government has not been able to pay that debt. This is why the LTN have reached high worth.
These bonds can be used as payment for taxes, social welfare, and any payment made to the Brazilian Government.
Example of usage: We can make a deposit a serie Z bond, in the Brazil national bank, for a year and a half as a warranty; and it allows us to get up to 3 SBLC (Stand by letter of credit), with a value of 250 million dollars for each SBLC).
We can thus have an SBLC, paying 30% of the price (+ the application fees for the bank, that are up to 250 000 euros if the desired amount is under 750 million euros. If the amount is greater than 750 million euros, it costs 0.75% of the value of the SBLC.). We can then get the SBLC within 5 to 7 days.
In order for the government to recognize the value of these bonds, the upgrade of the bonds is required. When the upgrade is done, the central bank and the national treasure delivers the following documents:
1- The certificate of upgrade (reissue, called “Repactuaçào validaçào, atualizaçào e re- emissào”)
2- The ISIN – CUSIP – CODIP/CODIV - BACEN Numbers are also delivered, that are required for any operation. (From that moment, the government knows who owns the bond.)
3- The Certificate from the Brazilian National Treasury of the current value of PU.
Once this upgrade is done, we shall put these bonds on Screen in order to get a number: The Electronic Certificate number. We shall also ask for the expertise of the bond; that will prove the authenticity of that bond.
This whole process is required if we want to use it in Europe, such as selling them, using them as warranty/asset, in order to get a line of credit (LOC), to make a deposit on Euroclear, make programs…
With these documents, we can also deposit them on Euroclear (up to 20 days after the upgrade) in order to make a high interest investment.
I will now give you a few numbers:
For the serie H LTN : They have a current value (after upgrade) of 1,500 000 000,00 €uros
For the serie Z LTN : They have a current value (after upgrade) of 11 000 000 000,00 €uros
Feel free to contact me if you need further information,
Yours faithfully,
Doctor Louis Corsi
Mes compétences :
Consultant en pièrres prècieuses