Rueil Malmaison
Project Director and Executive ERP Advisor on IT and solution Management with 16 years experience on Logistics and Supply Chain modules (purchasing, sales, logistics and production - MM, WM, HUM, PP, SD, LIS, EDI ...), I participated in more than a dozen full implementation projects ranging from the scoping phase and overall design up to the Go Live and support Phases.
I'm an optimistic leader with quick sifting abilities and good communication skills having several successful experiences in managing international teams sometimes in chaotic and highly political environments. I strongly believe in innovation in project management and my strength lies in my deep familiarity with multiple ERP fields that gives me a natural authority and solid strategic insight. I bring a real added value with my strong leadership based on a perfect integrity, a high passion and enthusiasm and a balance in empathy and compassion.
My extensive skills on the Solution (SAP Expert on many modules) combined to a profound knowledge of business processes (Multiple Missions in the business side "AMOA"), was acquired over the years in various industrial and service sectors, mainly in the fields of Energy Engineering and Automation Industry, Aerospace and Defense (A&D), Automotive, Chemical & Oil (IS-OIL) and the Telecommunications (HI-TECH).
I've worked during these years on several and various positions as Project Manager and Solution Architect working on both solution and team Management aspects. I also participated in high expertise task forces with SAP France on numerous audits and solution review for different customers before their Go Live as well as "CBI" missions after Go Live ("Continuous Business Improvement ").
I have been involved for the past 7 years in one of the largest global SAP program (Editor Source) by setting up a 'Global Core Model' and its deployment in different plants and distribution centers all over the world (in Asia, with India, Australia, New Zealand and Korea, Europe with France, Russia and east European countries and finally in America with the United States, Argentina and Chile).
Finally, my SAP expertise combined to my managerial capacities have enabled me to be nominated in 2008 as a High potential employee within SAP AG.
" ... Congratulations! You have been identified by the managers in your area as a High Potential or Top Talent employee during the 2008 talent review cycle! This recognition indicates that SAP management believes you have the potential for broader challenges – you have achieved a major milestone in your career and are viewed as a key contributor towards SAP's success and the achievement of our vision...." Email from SAP AG CEO
Mes compétences :
Gestion des Unités de Manutention (HUM)
Achats, approvisionnements et stocks (MM)
Logistique Exécution (LES)
Gestion des emplacements (WM)
Gestion des échanges Internationaux FT
Planification de la production (PP)
Localisation spécifique pays (Brésil, Inde)
Contrôle facture et Valorisation des stocks (MM/FI
Service Client (CS / MRO)
Administration des ventes (SD)
Gestion des lots (LO-BM)