Deutsche Bank Switzerland Ltd
- Investment Compliance Advisor
2014 - maintenant
Deutsche Bank Switzerland Ltd - Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management - Zurich
Autorité des marchés financiers
- Senior analyst - Authorisations and Supervision Division
2012 - 2014
− Managed a team of seven analysts specialized in Collective Investment Schemes
(more than 2000 funds supervised) and Asset Management Companies (almost 200)
− Examined the conformity and the consistency of tasks accomplished by the
− Managed technical, complex and transversal files linked to asset management,
products marketing and regulatory changes
− Contributed to guidelines concerning Asset Managers rules of organization
− Met asset managers and professional associations (AFG, AFIC, ASPIM)
Daily follow-up of almost 200 french asset management companies of all sizes (from small ones to major actors such as BNP Paribas Asset Management, Barclays Wealth Managers France, Rothschild and Cie Gestion,..) exercising different kinds of activities (management of general-purpose collective investment schemes, structured funds, venture capital funds, employee savings funds or real estate collective investment schemes).
Autorité des marchés financiers
- Analyst - Investment Service Providers Division
2009 - 2012
- Examined cases of initial accreditation and extension programs of asset management companies
- Daily monitoring of actors: trend in activity, conflicts of interest, risk management
- Compliance audit of the characteristic features on file for approval to the activities of companies
- Transversal project management (relative to the activities, organization and resources of asset management companies)
Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
- Analyst - Products and Marketing Division
2009 - 2011
- Examined cases of initial accreditation and transfer of general-purpose funds and private equity funds
- Daily monitoring of products: evolution of asset values, long-term dissolution, regulatory ratios exceeded, marketing aspects
- Compliance audit of the characteristic features on file for approval to the activities of companies
- Transversal project management (relative to the marketing of structured mutual funds, the transposition of UCITS IV ..)
During this period, I also draft the report on asset management in France in 2008 (analysis of income statements and profitability of asset management companies, study of the macroeconomic context and the evolution of corporate activity, regulatory changes...)
Natixis Asset Management
- Projects manager, Sales Direction
Paris Cedex 13
2008 - 2008
- Established a plan of actions towards consultants: realised a study on delegated asset management, promoted NAM expertise
- Managed sales campaigns: followed up subscriptions, studied client relationships with salesmen
- Participated in new funds launch: made presentations on funds and their mechanisms, wrote sales pitch (strategies based on interest rate swaps, government bonds)
- Promoted bond and money market mutual funds: positioned funds in the market in the context of financial crisis, emphasized funds’ strong points and characteristics