
Nasreddine BOUHARKAT


En résumé

Dear Sir/Madam,
i have Master in automatism, option: Automation & industrial process control,

i worked by TOSYALI IRON & STEEL INDUSTRY; where i was recruited as Automation & Electrical Engineer,team leader of electrical
technicians in Melt-shop unit,and our missions was the maintaining the proper functioning of all process using automation and SCADA
systems, check and control all electrical & automatic equipments and also organise woerkers tasks and their shifts work

and before it i was working in TECHNOLUX, where my missions were: Starting and maintaining
the machines automated by Siemens PLCs S200, S300, maintaining the proper functioning of all the process lines,
adjustment of all parameters necessary such as temperature, flow, pressure, level,
further hazardous chemical parameter settings in the dosing unit (polyol, cyclopenta, isocyanate),
and I followed the party of equipment control with some experts in the field of Polish and Italian companies (CANNON,
Cassioli OLMA, Loccioni) one lasted 15 days, and also work in teams and distributed spots for each person and also forming
of new workers for can do the daily operation of these machines.

and during my study i passed traineeship in SONATRACH GP2z for 30 days where it allowed us to have a general idea of the separation
process and refrigeration of LPG and understand the operation of some equipments, handling the software Step 7 for PLC Siemens
S400 and S300, Protool and WinCC Flexible for MHIs.
I will be happy to work for your company and look forward to hearing from you.

Mes compétences :


  • Sonatrach - Instrumentiste

    2013 - maintenant
  • Géolog International B.V. - Mug Logger

    2013 - 2013 A training about data logging for the drilling process from the rig down until rig up, in desert Hassi Messaoude center .

    2013 - 2013 team leader of electrical technicians in Melt-shop unit,and our missions
    was the maintaining the proper functioning of all the process using automation and SCADA systems and control all instrumentation
  • Technolux - Automatism Engineer

    2012 - 2012 Starting and maintaining
    the machines automated by Siemens PLCs S200, S300, maintaining the proper functioning of all the process lines,
    adjustment of all parameters necessary such as temperature, flow, pressure, level,
    further hazardous chemical parameter settings in the dosing unit (polyol, cyclopenta, isocyanate),
    and I followed the party of equipment control with some experts in the field of Polish and Italian companies (CANNON,
    Cassioli OLMA, Loccioni) one lasted 15 days, and also work in teams and distributed spots for each person and also forming
    of new workers for can do the daily operation of these machines.
  • Sonatrach - Stagiaire

    2010 - 2010 SNCC, DCS, step 7, instrumentation and process


  • Usto-Mb (Oran)

    Oran 2006 - 2011 MASTER

    AUTOMATISM option: Automation and industrial process control - From my university 5 years i got much basic informations about Automation ,process control,instrumentation also electronic and electrical ciruits...,for my project of graduation i made a Realization of Water Level Control-Microcontroller Based controlled by LABVIEW
Annuaire des membres :