Technip Corporate
- Corporate Middle Office
2013 - maintenant
Market(s) Regulation(s) follow up and set up (if needed)
7 current worldwide regulations including EMIR:
* Daily reporting (development made in collaboration with our treasury
system provider) for the trade with the bank and the affiliate.
* Portfolio Reconciliation, set up a Web platform (TriOptima) to ease the
reconciliation process.
* Managing LEI for all the Technip's entities (around 80). ;
* Technip's classification fixed and quarterly controlled. ;
* Set up and follow up a local and regional procedure. ;
* Relations the trade repository DTCC (contract, invoices and hotline), the
banks (Agreements amendments).
- Set up FX All - Settlement Center platform (electronic banking confirmation).
- Fair value on Technip's Group portfolio, reconciliation with the consolidation
department and relation with the external auditors.
- Set up and follow up on the Loans intra group. ;
- Group Operating Procedure on Petty Cash revised based on the consolidation
and amendments proposed.
- Banking Group Limits, calculation and suggestion. ;
- Treasury systems administrator (Treasury reporting Hyperion, FX All Trading
and Settlement Center, Datascope, Trade Repository DTCC, Reconciliation
- Foreign Exchange exposure control.
- Treasury and Financing Manager, Region Middle East
2010 - 2010
Mission to create a Treasury and Financing Department
- Mangement of 5 assistants ;
- Regional negotiation with a French bank for a Commercial contract & Banking
system contract.
- Hedging instrument implementation and follow up (hedging cost and
exchange rate impact).
- Petty cash procedure locally and for two projects on site.
- 100MUsd Banking Facilities negotiation with three banks.
- 30% savings of banks fees especially on bank transfer cost. ;
- POA within HR Division. Authorized to commit up 50KUsd with Travel
Agencies, Hotel, car rental companies, airlines, landlords/real estate
companies for staff accommodation on behalf of the Company
- Bank Guarantees management (BG format for proposals, BG issued and
received). Regional training given to the purchasers.
- Consolidation and analysis on the actual cash position, Short Term and Long
Term (12 months) cash flow forecast.
Technip - Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
- Treasury and Financing Manager, Region Asia Pacific
2007 - 2010
Region Asia Pacific Headquarter with several entities in Malaysia, Thailand,
China, Indonesia, Singapore and Australia.
- Involved to set up new companies in Thailand and Vietnam.
- APAC countries regulations/rules for proposal projects.
- Evaluate Financial Risk contract tendered. ;
- Region APAC Banking matters (New Facilities) and Central Bank of Malaysia. ;
- Bank Guarantee management (BG format and issuance). ;
- Implementation and Review entities Foreign Exposure. ;
- Consolidation and analysis on the actual cash position, Short Term and Long
Term (12 months) cash flow forecast.
- Reports: FAS133, Off Balance Sheet and IAS 21/32/39.
Technip - Paris
- Front-Office accounts
2005 - 2006
Set up of exchange coverage operations of contracts with dealing rooms.
- Negotiation of renewal of exchange operations, investments and
purchase/sales of mutual funds with banks for the central funds office and the
- Foreign Exchange exposure control.
Technip - Paris
- Middle-Office accounts
2003 - 2006
Prepared the monthly Long Term cash flow forecast for the Holding company.
- Follow-up and analysis on the monthly Long Term cash flow forecast.
- LT Group consolidation with a note by entity explaining the flows for the next
twelve months as well as a global consolidation.
- Follow-up of intercos loans granted by the Holding. ;
- Budget preparation of expenses and financial products per segment.
Technip - Paris
- Manager Back-Office
1999 - 2003
Management of 3 assistants ;
- Participation in the setting up and in follow-up of a National and International
automatic cash-pooling.
- Setting up of an internal rate risk. ;
- Daily management of accounts, preparation and follow-up of exchange and
investment confirmations, disputes.
- Manager Middle-Office Derivatives
New York
1995 - 1999
Management of 4 assistants ;
- Setting up of connection files for financial products.
- Coordination of product optimization for the BO in London and Dublin.
- Assistant Manager Middle-Office Derivatives
New York
1989 - 1995
Writing confirmations, setting floating rates, calculation and payment of
interest, reconciliation, reassessment and monthly revaluations for:
* Interest Rate Swaps, Currencies Swaps and Swaptions ;
* Forward Rate Agreement
* Caps, Floors and Collars
* Exchange options ;
* Management of securities (BTAN, BTF, OAT, CD, TCN)
- Back-Office Funds
New York
1987 - 1989
Management of flows and interest scales ;
- Payment, entering and follow-up of loan operations and exchange swaps
- Keeping of currency accounts, interest scales of our foreign correspondents,
reconciliation concerning the products mentioned the above.
- Foreign Department
New York
1985 - 1987
Preparing, carrying out and entering of payment orders to and from abroad.
- Study of documentary evidences in accordance with the exchange regulation.