


En résumé

Étudiant en deuxième année à l'école Centrale de Lyon, en double-diplôme depuis l'université technique de Darmstadt.

Je peux facilement aliéner compétences techniques et le contact humain dans des travaux d'équipe.

Mes compétences :
Computer-Aided Design


  • Fraunhofer LBF - Travail de fin d'étude

    2017 - 2017 The Masterthesis is part of the Openadaptronik project which aims to make vibration control understandable and usable for everyone. I use an open-source alternative to matlab to modelate, simulate and build an active vibration control system. My work contains as well a systemidentification of the Quadrocopter structure on which is mounted the camera.
  • CEA/LIST - Stagiaire - Conception mécanique

    2015 - 2015
  • Jotun Cosco Marine Coatings Ltd. - Stagiaire - Praktikant - Trainee

    2014 - 2014 Internship in Shanghai, working in an international team on a databse about the ship maintenance worldwide.
  • AIESEC Lyon - Local Committee President

    2013 - 2014
  • AIESEC Darmstadt - Incoming Exchange Team Member

    2011 - 2013 I was welcoming international students in Darmstadt, and going to companies trying to get internships for new students, that is to say selling and convincing about our exchanges.
    I worked in a team of around 7 persons during these two years.
  • Polenz GmbH - Stagiaire - Praktikant - Trainee

    2011 - 2011 Working on basic operations inside the industry. Manufacturing Aluminium - profiles. Goal was to get to know more about the working conditions and relations between engineers and workers.
  • Aux saveurs des Terroirs - Vendeur sur le marché

    2009 - 2011 Installation du stand, mise en place et présentations des fromages puis vente.
    Je faisais ce travail pendant le lycée tous les samedis de 6h30 à 14h30.


  • Technische Universität Darmstadt TUD (Darmstadt)

    Darmstadt 2015 - 2017 Master

    Mechatronic systems,Adaptronics, Ergonomics, Data acquisition with Labview, Numerical methods of
    applied dynamics, Lightweight design, Theory of stability in lightweight engineering. Project: Development of a low-cost measurementsystem in milling processes
  • Ecole Centrale Lyon (Chateaudun)

    Chateaudun 2013 - 2015 Diplôme d'ingénieur généraliste
  • TU Darmstadt

    Darmstadt 2011 - 2013 Two first years of Bachelor in Darmstadt (germany) in mecanics. I then went on a double degree in Lyon, After two years I will come back to Darmstadt to finish my master.


Annuaire des membres :