
Nicolas CHAVEZ


En résumé

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  • Axen - Alten Subsidiary - Business Manager

    2009 - maintenant - Axen: Business Manager (1/09 – 7/09)
    AXEN, a member of an international group with over 12000 employees, helps the leading economic players absorb technological changes and to succeed with their projects
    • Responsible for my own Business Unit within Axen
    • True entrepreneur I was constantly looking for project opportunities
    • In charge of responding to Request For Proposals/Information
    • Not only in contact with my customers but also playing an important role in managing the resources of my Business Unit by recruiting high potential IT consultants
    • Responsible for managing the career plan of the consultants working in my Business Unit
  • ITG Consulting/Ordina - Consultant

    2007 - maintenant ITG Consulting is a Belgian consulting company that provides cross-asset and fully integrated portfolio solutions for all types of business activities.
    I’ve been working for ITG’s biggest client, Fortis Merchant Banking since mid-January 2007. In the department Risk Management at Fortis I do monitor all equity risks triggered by traders in the dealing room in their investment activity.
  • Accenture - Analyst

    Paris 2006 - 2006 Accenture is a world-famous global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company committed to delivering high-performance to its clients mostly by implementing customizable applications in order to help them become successful businesses and governments.
    The Proximus Project labelled CM0600 consisted of the implementation of Siebel (Customer Relationship Management – Order Management Application). I was part of the testing team which role was to ensure that the application actually met Proximus’ requirements.
  • Euroclear - Operational Analyst

    2005 - 2005 I worked in the FundSettle department at Euroclear. Euroclear is the world's premier settlement system for domestic and international securities transactions, covering bonds, equities and investment funds. Basically, my first task at FundSettle - Order Processing consisted of making sure that the orders placed by participants (or customers) on the fully automated FundSettle platform were actually placed by the Transfer Agents side = Recycling Orders.
    Another task consisted of making sure that the Transfer Agents were about to provide FundSettle with the contracts notes confirming that a customer has actually invested in one of his funds for a certain amount.


  • ICHEC ( Institut Cathol. Hautes Etudes Commerciales ) (Woluwé St Pierre Bruxelles)

    Woluwé St Pierre Bruxelles 2000 - 2004 Commerce International


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