
Nicolas GENTON


En résumé

Diplôme de l'ESIM, option Genie Marin, en 1995, je suis parti faire mon service national comme volontaire a l'aide technique en Antarctique (chouette experience!). De retour du pays des manchots, je fus embauche chez Schlumberger dans la branche forage petrolier (sedco forex) comme architecte naval pendant 18 mois. Les etudes d'ancrage et de riser de plateforme de forage m'ont permis de me deplacer sur quelques unes de ces structures particulieres. Puis j'ai participe au design d'une nouvelle plateforme de forage semi-submersible: dimensionnement, stabilite, comportement en mer, essais en bassin et en soufflerie. 12 mois tres instructifs qui permettent d'apprehender le processus de design et cette fameuse spirale de convergence qui permet d'atteindre le but recherche.

Je fus ensuite expatrie a Singapour pour superviser la construction de cette unite, baptisee "Cajun Express" entre 1998 et 2000. Je m'occupais alors de la partie structurelle et marine de la construction puis des quartiers d'habitation.

Viens ensuite le temps d'une annee sabbatique en voilier avec 2 autres esimiens (www.chez.com/bluewatersailing )en 2000. De retour en France, Sedco a change de proprietaire et aucune proposition ne me convient. en janvier 2002, on me propose un poste de consultant pour le design d'une barge submersible de forage dans une (tres) petite equipe. Nous sommes 3 personnes pour preparer les specifications de la barge, les plans, le design et sa certification et enfin le budget. Nous partons quelques mois plus tard a Singapour pour construire cette unite qui sera destinee a la societe de forage indonesienne APEXINDO. 2 autres unites seront egalement construites. C'est alors ma premiere experience de chef de projet. Puis avec un ancien collegue, nous decidons de créer notre entite pour continuer cette activite de design et suivi de projet de construction de plateforme offshore. Nous enchainons avec un jack-up derniere generation, toujours pour APEXINDO qui nous fait confiance, et dont la construction s'est achevee en avril 2007.

En parallele, nous develeppons un autre design de bateau de forage pour les eaux calmes des zones equatoriales mais relativement profondes (jusqu'a 2000 metres). Nous partons d'une feuille blanche et produisons un design tres complet incluant les etudes de structures, hydrodynamiques, de riser, de stabilites, de systemes mecaniques, electriques, de forage, les specifications de construction. Moonpool Consultants, notre compagnie, a termine et vendu son premier design de barge de forage.

2008: La crise frappe fort. Les activites ralentissent.

2010: Changement d'horizon et d'activite, je passe chef de package SURF (Subsea Umbilical, Riser et Flowline) sur le projet GIrRI au sein du groupe TOTAL. Il s'agit de continuer le developpement des champs Girrasol, Jasmin et Rosa en Angola par 1350m de fond.

Mes compétences :
Drilling Rig
forage petrolier
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • Moonpool Consultants Pte Ltd - Director

    2003 - 2008 Director of a company with 9 employees working full time on the "equatorial Driller" project for SWIBER, a singaporean company.

    November 2007 to November 2008:
    Project manager for the construction, engineering and procurement of the "Equatorial Driller" project
    300 M$ project.

    in charge of coordination with:
    - project team (13 persons)
    - the Class (Bureau veritas)
    - the major manufacturers
    Budget and planning follow-up.
    Preparation and follow-up of tender for the shipyards: 13 worldwide shipyards invited to quote (Keppel, Sembawang, STX, Cosco, etc…).
    Procurement of long lead items: supervision of RFQ, technical and commercial analysis, PO issuance, drawings review. Liaising with major equipment suppliers: NOV, MH, SENSE, Cameron, Hydril, Seatrax, CAT, BLM, RB Pipetech, ABB, CONVERTEAM, etc…

    March 2006 to November 2007:
    Execution of front-end engineering & basic design of the offshore drilling vessel “Equatorial Driller” for Black Gold Drilling
    New design from scratch
    2.5 M$ project.

    Management of the design team (6 engineers) and subcontractors to provide a Bureau Veritas certified basic design and construction specifications for a shipyard.

    Management of the project team to perform:
    - basic design from scratch
    - construction specifications
    - procurement of long lead items
    - marketing of the design
    - budget & planning preparation

    Project consists in developing:
    - comprehensive constructions specifications for the shipyard (around 300 pages)
    - development of the rig in 3D using Inventor software
    - GA drawings, hull line plan, LQ arrangements (19 drawings)
    - deck loading plan, fire integrity plan, escape plan (24 drawings)
    - schematics for all piping system (28 drawings) and piping standards
    - hazardous area & electrical system (22 drawings)
    - structural drawings (85 drawings)
    - HVAC diagrammatic (18 drawings)
    - stability and hydrodynamic analysis
    - Hull & drill floor FEM analysis
    - electrical load analysis

    January 2005 to April 2007:
    Construction of the Jack-Up drilling unit “SOEHANAH” for PT APEXINDO, an indonesian drilling company.
    New built at PPL shipyard, Singapore
    144 M$ project.

    Owner representative in the yard, following yard contract on a daily basis, in charge of coordination with:
    - project team (15 persons)
    - the major manufacturers
    - the owner in Jakarta
    - the Class (ABS)
    - the shipyard project manager
    Supervision of HSE, construction, quality control, engineering, equipment selection.
    Review and approval of shipyard change orders.
    Budget and planning follow-up.
    The rig is successfully working for TOTAL Indonesia since delivery.

    December 2003 to December 2004:
    Preparation of Jack-Up Specifications for PTApexindo. This self elevated unit is a BAKER MARINE PACIFIC CLASS 375 to be built by PPL Shipyard.
    Work scope performed:
    - Full technical review of the basic design.
    - Development of an original drill floor layout associated with an innovative BOP storage solution.
    - Development of piping schematics (ship services and drilling)
    - Specifications of the drilling equipment and quotations analysis from main manufacturers
    - Review and modifications of the general arrangement drawings to improve ergonomic and work efficiency.
    - First drilling rig to be designed and built with high demanding specifications from ABS (notation HAB+) for the living quarters.
    - Budget assessment for owner furnished equipment and start-up.
  • PROTOMAX - Project manager

    2002 - 2003 New construction of the Cantilever Drilling Submersible Barge “RAISSA” & major upgrade and conversion of "MAERA" for PT Apexindo, an indonesian drilling company
    New built at Keppel Fels shipyard, Singapore
    42 M$ project for Raissa
    34 M$ project for Maera

    Owner representative in the yard, following yard contract on a daily basis, in charge of coordination with:
    - project team (10 persons)
    - the major manufacturers
    - the owner in Jakarta
    - the Class (Bureau Veritas)
    - the shipyard project manager
    Supervision of construction from call for tender up to rig delivery. Quality control, and construction detail review.
    Review and approval of shipyard change order.
    In charge of all Marine & Structures aspects of the construction
  • TRANSOCEAN SEDCO FOREX - Naval architect

    1997 - 2001 Construction of the new deep water semi-submersible “Cajun Express”
    5th generation rig built in PPL shipyard, Singapore 300 M$ project.
    In charge of the Structure: Review and approval of Hull drawings, Quality control construction including welding supervisors management
    In charge of the Marine: Weight control, stability criteria review, Inclining test supervision, Marine Operation Manual
    Living quarter construction: 130 persons, 5M$, 3-stars standard
    In charge of the design, purchase, construction supervision.
    Coordination with ABS Class Authority

    Design of the new deep water semi-submersible “Express” series
    In charge of the marine design including: Overall dimension, weight estimation, Stability analysis, Dynamics motions analysis, Monitoring of marine test basin and wind tunnel test.

    Various marine engineering analysis for existing drilling units or preliminary design of new built, including numerous mooring, riser, motion and stability analysis, station keeping assessment (dynamic positioning).
    Technical assistance on rigs in Gulf of Mexico and North Sea.
  • CNRS - VAT

    Paris 1995 - 1997 Scientific engineer assistant during 13 months in Antarctica in "Dumont D'urville" french base.

    Running scientific experiences for the French External Geophysical Department
    In charge of operating, maintaining and developing a scientific laboratory. Aurora phenomena analysis, HF propagation through ionosphere, weather satellite data acquisition. In charge of the photographic laboratory. Internal network hardware and software development. Polar operations.



Annuaire des membres :