


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Visual Basic for Applications
short positions management
handled credit risk management
Value at Risk
Reuters Financial Applications
Profit and Loss Accounts
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Medium Term Notes
Management of market and credit risk
Inventory Management
Global Portfolio
Fixed Income
Dividend Payments
Develop risk management
Cash Flows
Bloomberg Software


  • SOCIETE GENERALE CIB - Junior Trader

    PARIS 2013 - maintenant * Market marker on gold, silver and palladium options. (Quote clients, brokers and COMEX, Management
    of market and credit risk, In charge of daily exercises and fixings, Place nights orders)
    * Monitor and update option parameters according to market ;
    * Develop risk management tools ;
    * In charge of calculating and publishing daily P&L and a business weekly recap ;
    * Generate and implement trade idea for clients
  • SOCIETE GENERALE CIB - Trader Assistant

    PARIS 2011 - 2012 * Quoted two way prices on European Medium Term Notes ;
    * Secondary market monitoring (executed buy-back and sell, increased and decreased book positions) ;
    * Assisted option market makers on the primary market ;
    * Calculated P&L, priced and pitched strategies for clients ;
    * Performed and handled credit risk management ;
    * Developed the EMTN pricer and tools for traders
  • BNP PARIBAS - Trader Assistant

    Paris 2011 - 2011 BNP PARIBAS FIN'AMS, Paris, France
    Repo Fixed Income
    * Designed and developed decision-making and tracking flow tools in VBA ;
    * Bond pool yield optimization (Corporates, Govies, Convertibles) owned by BNP PAM funds ;
    * Booked and monitored security and cash deals (short positions management, returns, recalls, re-rating
    and re-pricing, payment of dividends and coupons, maturity, basket rolling, switch and substitution,
    inventory control)
    * Forecasted and monitored daily cash flow
  • Yinghao Investment - Assistant Trader - Commodity desk

    2010 - 2010 • Analyse large data sets (Technical Analysis) and development of mechanicals trading system
    • Perform analysis of the relative success of the current strategy
    • Developed management tools
  • RHODIA SERVICES - Risk Management

    2009 - 2009 Risk Management on Energy Commodities Portfolio, intern
    * Built new stress test for the global portfolio ;
    * Incorporated mathematical model in order to calculate Value-at-Risk ;
    * Analyzed market & credit portfolio exposures



Annuaire des membres :