


En résumé

Expert achats dynamique, pragmatique et performant : avec 10 ans d'expérience dans la gestion de catégorie d'achats hors-production et production, la gestion de projets internationaux cross-fonctionnels et la création ou la restructuration de départements achats centralisés ou décentralisés (brownfield/greenfield) en mode Shared Services ou/et partiellement en BPO.

Ayant travaillé sur les achats de matières premières, de pièces détachées, mais également pour des prestations intellectuelles et du facility management, toutes ces expériences me permettent de personnaliser les solutions et de les adapter aux besoins précis de mes clients/employeurs. J'ai été amené à diriger jusqu'à 25 personnes ce qui m'a permis d'acquérir des compétences managériales telles que : la communication corporate, le leadership, ou encore la gestion du changement et de la transformation digitale.

• Compétences-clés : création ou restructuration de départements achats, optimisation de category management (hors-production et production), rationalisation de panel fournisseurs/produits, optimisation opérationnelle (process et systèmes), développement de nouveaux produits, sourcing stratégique & low-cost, coaching en négociations QCD et contractuelles, amélioration des relations fournisseurs.

• Expérience dans divers secteurs: Aéronautique & Défense, Grande Distribution, Métallurgie, Cimenterie, Distribution de pièces électriques/électroniques/mécaniques, Énergie, Santé, Coopératives agricoles.


Mes compétences :
Acheteur international
Supply chain management
Acheteur projet
Gestion de projet
Achats hors-production


  • Alexander Proudfoot - Principal Consultant - Procurement & Supply Chain EMEA

    Atlanta 2014 - maintenant • Key responsibilities: Leading teams of ca. 5-10 people through the scoping and the delivery of engagements, management of C-suite stakeholder relationships, optimisation of client relationships by securing additional project scope or gaining referral for future client’s engagements.
    • Role requires: Engagement skills from Board-level to operators working on-the-floor, team leadership, corporate communication skills, tactical client adjustments and drive for results. Accountable to Board for the ‘on time and in full’ delivery of projects for procurement & supply chain workstreams in EMEA region.
    • Contribution to business development: by developing marketing content for Sales VPs and Lead Analysts. Work together with business development & digital marketing departments for ensuring efficiency of sales campaigns and RFP proposals.
    • Line manager responsibilities: delivering internal training and mentoring junior members of the team, but also developing materials and effective training to clients, if necessary.
    • Client project ‘spend in scope’ ranging from £10m to over £1b, with typically two projects running simultaneously.

    • Key Projects:
    o Construction & Building Materials: Lafarge Holcim in Belgium, South Africa & Nigeria
    o Food & Beverage: LurBerri, Unicor, Val de Gascogne & Arcadie Sud-Ouest in France
    o Electrical & Electronic Distributors: Electrocomponents in the UK & Sonepar in France
    o Utilities: Saur in France.

    • Key direct categories in scope of projects:
    o Commodity management: electrical SKUs major negotiations with key account suppliers
    o Spare parts: cost and specs optimization

    • Key indirect categories in scope of projects:
    o Hard FM: MRO (on equipment & tooling) & subcontractor’s services (handling, packing, loading),
    o Soft FM: catering, cleaning & security services,
    o Professional Services: HR (temps & subcontractors), Marketing (ATL, BTL, TTL)
    o Energy: electricity,
    o Packaging: cardboards, bags & palettes,
    o Fleet management: leasing & purchase of trucks, cars & forklifts,
    o ICT: hardware, software, phone, data, internet,
    o Distribution & Logistics: 3PL providers,
    o Travel management: travel agencies, short-term car rental, toll & gas cards

    • Sales Achievements: ca. £2m each year with a Procurement & SCM usual scope of 25 to 50%
  • ArcelorMittal - Global Category Manager & Procurement Business

    2011 - 2013 • ArcelorMittal is the world leading steel manufacturer with €57b sales revenues.

    • As a ‘Coal Category Manager’ - Key responsibilities: In charge for the group for all ‘CIS/CEE & Asian’ sourced coal. Leading a team of 24 plant buyers worldwide to secure steel plants coal availability in due time of bulk sized-anthracite, graphite & petroleum coke. Direct spend was made of ca. €500m yearly for special & size products. I was also operationally responsible for another €1b for all metallurgical coal in bulk sent by shipping from the sourcing region.

    • Role required: E2E category management skills from designing sourcing strategy to pricing and contract negotiations with suppliers. I had to ensure full contract deployments on all sites in real time, to populate the company ERP and to solve any users’ claim. To ensure the right definition of the requested products, I had to work cross functionally with lead-users (technical engineers) and plant users before sourcing major mining and trading suppliers.

    • As an ‘Iron Ore & Met Coal Procurement Analyst’ / Key responsibilities: Responsible for creating up-to-date accurate intelligence data reports & quarterly pricing forecasts on spot & index related iron ore & coal products. The yearly spend just for those two commodities at that time was of ca. €15b.

    • Role required: Analytical skills & active benchmarking throughout the business & outside: with banks, BIG 4 consultancies, Strategy BIG 3 consultancies & main index providers. Direct reporting to Mr. Mittal and his assistant for key supplier’s yearly meetings’ reviews. Other skills required for that position were intelligence & time management, P&L/Balance Sheet mechanisms & budget planning.

    • Key achievements:

    o 10% net cost-reduction (€50m) on the overall category spend within 24 months. Savings came from streamlining the supplier panel, agreeing on implementation of new framework contracts with key suppliers, allowing less carry-over through flexibility on the yearly volume commitment and developing use of better financing conditions for extended payment terms.
    o 7% savings (€49m out of €700m) on global coal sea freight costs (in 2012): through master planning loading port adjustments to optimize sourcing locations upon seasonal weather conditions constraints. Loading ports were chosen based on: evolution of port spot freight rates, short interval controls of weather conditions and spot market opportunities.
  • Airbus - Project Lead-Buyer & Sourcing Manager

    Blagnac 2010 - 2011 • Airbus is the world leading aircraft manufacturer with €67b sales revenues.
    • Key responsibilities: Managing a European cross-functional project team, made of 4 specialized engineers to develop & qualify new products on the upcoming programmes (A320neo & A350). As a category manager for clamps & flanges on all aircraft programmes (legacy & upcoming / civil & military), I had to streamline the supplier base and standardize the technical specifications of most complex parts to reduce significantly the range of SKUs being used. Category yearly spend was of ca. €15m.
    • Role required: Excellent New Product Development, team management and stakeholder management skills. I supported deployment of: SAP upgrade & Ariba software, supplier audit and supply chain quality assessment new tools & policies.
    • Key achievements:
    o Decreased by 80% the amount of available SKUs in the product panel
    o Decreased 70% of supplier panel going from 30 to 9 qualified suppliers through product design standardization
    o 7% cost savings on the whole spend (ca. €1m) through massification process
    o Optimized average delivery lead-time by 10% for standard delivery on the full year
    o Quality Qualification has been implemented in due time for parts to be tried on ground & flight tests
  • Pwc - Purchasing & Supply Chain Consultant

    Neuilly-sur-Seine 2009 - 2010 • Working for Auchan Retail (ex-Groupe Auchan SA) on project ‘W3P’– Worldwide Pricing & Purchasing Panel – on behalf of PwC Advisory Morocco within its “Operational Excellence Management” BU.
    • Assessing 2008 crisis impact on consumer’s behaviour on a short-list of primary goods and identifying potential loss of bargain power by range of customers in targeted locations
    • Auditing logistic hubs in 25 countries to assess centralized distribution centres efficiency by analysing processes, reporting, operational planning & inventory and 3PL suppliers’ contracts
    • Key achievements: Use of our data & studies by the business, while assessing market integration or withdrawal from several countries or regions, to enter or leave customer catchment area in 2011.

  • Icm, Institut Du Cancer De Montpellier - Responsable Achats/Logistique

    montpellier 2008 - 2008 • Assisting cancer clinic centre Business Manager in creating a procurement & supply chain department
    • Building a business plan to internalize radioactive & infectious healthcare waste treatment
    • Developing medical equipment & soft facilities management procurement categories
    • Key achievements: ISO 14 000 certification validated after restructuring waste management processes
  • Groupe Heppner - Préparateur de Commandes - Manutentionnaire

    Noisy-le-Sec 2007 - 2007 Intérimaire durant 2 mois été 2007 - Préparateur de Commandes Textile + Manutentionnaire liquides toxiques et Pneumatiques
  • Carrier - Assistant Marketing Allemagne

    Montluel 2006 - 2006 Siège de Carrier Allemagne (Munich) - Service Marketing - Chargé d'un Audit de Marché et d'un Sourcing de distributeurs potentiels pour les petites et moyennes climatisations en Allemagne
  • ISS France - Assistant Commercial

    Paris Cedex 17 2005 - 2005 Siège France (Caluire) - Service Commercial - Chargé de Suivi de dossiers Commerciaux, de mise en place d'appels d'offres + Création via Sourcing de Base de données Clients et Prospects
  • Célio - Vendeur

    Saint Ouen 2003 - 2004 Stage d'1 mois + CDD de 2 mois durant l'été 2004 - Célio (Lyon République) - Vendeur
  • SARL Cornevin - Plaquiste Peintre Cloisonnier

    2002 - 2003 CDD de 2 mois été 2002 et 2003 - Lyon (Vaise) - Plaquiste Peintre Cloisonnier sur différents chantiers en Région Rhône-Alpes
  • Salm Braeu Brauerei - Serveur - Barman - Brasseur

    2001 - 2001 CDD de 3 mois été 2001 - Brasserie Salmbräu - Vienne (Autriche)- Barman



    Paris 2007 - 2008 Master 2 en Management des Achats Internationaux et Supply Chain Management
  • University Of Northumbria At Newcastle (Newcastle Upon Tyne)

    Newcastle Upon Tyne 2006 - 2007 Bachelor in International Business Management
  • Idrac Lyon

    Lyon 2005 - 2006 Licence en Marketing et Gestion des Entreprises
  • IUT De Roanne

    Roanne 2003 - 2005 Techniques de Commercialisation
  • Lycée Blaise Pascal (Charbonnières Les Bains)

    Charbonnières Les Bains 2000 - 2003 Anglais Renforcé
  • Kingsford High School (Kingsford)

    Kingsford 1999 - 2000 Business, Management & Accounting

    Senior Graduation


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