Airbus Group
- Chef d'équipe "fonctions sol", département maintenabilité
2016 - maintenant
Chef d'équipe au sein du département maintenabilité véhicule d'Airbus hélicoptères Allemagne, en charge de piloter trois types d'activités:
- L'analyse de l'intégration des systèmes du point de vue maintenance.
- Le développement d'outillages spécifiques nécessaires à la maintenance et à la manutention des hélicoptères.
- Le développement des fonctions de manutention des hélicoptères (transport par exemple).
Airbus Group
- Work package Manager, Départment maintenabilité
2013 - 2016
With a very robust technical experience, I was promoted in the same department to the role of work package manager and operational team leader, taking over on top the responsibility of planning and budget management towards our internal customers. I occupied this role at first for the NH90 helicopter, with a team of three. In January 2015, I switched to our civil helicopter range, taking over a team of four people. Qualification as company CE authorized representative.
Airbus Group
- Ingénieur Maintenabilité
2010 - 2013
Within the maintainability department, I was mainly responsible for the final development, qualification and documentation of the NH90 maintenance and ground functions (mooring, towing, jacking, parking, transport) and associated ground support equipment. I was also tasked with reviewing and performing maintainability analysis of NH90 systems and their integration to help ensure that customer operational and maintenance requirements are met. My work involved working on broad topics, with a large number of contacts within both design and support offices, in a complex industrial joint venture together with French, Italian, English, Spanish, Dutch and Australian partner companies. It also meant interfacing on one side with end-customers and on the other with ground support equipment and helicopter systems suppliers.
Airbus Helicopters
- Ingénieur méthode
2008 - 2010
Conception d'outillages d'assemblage pour les divers programmes d'Eurocopter.
Léon Grosse
- Conducteur de Travaux
2007 - 2007
Stage de trois mois.
Chantier de rénovation d'un étage de blocs opératoires d'une clinique à Marseille (marché d'environ €4M).
Responsable des corps d'états séparés.