

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

* Trained engineer in mechanics and energetics, with a complementary specialty in industrial statistics.
* Seven-year experience in the automotive industry (BMW & PSA); participated in the development of 5 vehicle projects.
* Worked in quality control, statistical process control and physical phenomena modeling. Did project reporting and sub-contracted parts certification.
* Speaks French, Spanish, English and German (moderate).

Mes compétences :
design of experiments
Process control
Quality Control
Statistical Process Control


  • PSA Peugeot Citroën - In charge of mass-production performance reporting and re-design methods.

    Rueil Malmaison 2010 - maintenant * Mission: for all vehicles released and mass-produced, analyze and synthesize quality data from new and used cars. Bring an expertise in numerical/physical modeling and help carry out car re-design tasks.
    * Statistics: capability, control charts, modeling and simulation.
    * Customer satisfaction: analysis and reporting on quality surveys and warranty data.
  • PSA Peugeot Citroen - In charge of international SPC standards implementation (Statistical Process Control) - Internship.

    Rueil Malmaison 2004 - 2004 * Mission: roll-out of international SPC standards for different types of machining processes.
    * Automotive technology: knowledge of the global structure of a car power unit.
    * Statistics: detailed knowledge of NF (Norme Française) and ISO SPC standards (sampling, capability, control charts).
  • PSA Peugeot Citroen - In charge of statistic modeling and quality control methods.

    Rueil Malmaison 2004 - 2010 * Mission: help ensure, synthesize and report the quality of new products’ development and industrial processes.
    * Projects worked on: Peugeot 407 coupé, Partner & 508. Citroën C5 & Berlingo.
    * Automotive technology: knowledge of the architecture of an equipped car body.
    * Project management:
    - Synthesis and coordination of the tasks undertaken by the development, validation and manufacturing teams.
    - Management of the subcontracted parts certification procedures, in cooperation with PSA’s development teams and the external companies involved.
    - Creation and follow-up of reporting tools, for managing teams of each project.
    * Statistics:
    - Phenomena modeling using Design Of Experiments, Principal Components Analysis or Bayesian networks.
    - Simulation of production quality using Monte Carlo drawings.
    - Product / process certification and monitoring using capability ratios and statistical process control
    * Operating dependability: functional analysis, failure trees and FMECA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis).
  • BMW Group - Quality auditor on vehicle assembly lines - Internship.

    Munich 2002 - 2003 * Mission: audit the new Mini’s production lines, and assess technological hazards, as part of a newly developed reliability improvement process.
    * Quality Management: use of PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) and Ishikawa’s tools.


  • ENSIMEV (Valencienne’s National Institute In Mechanical Engineering And Energy). ENSIMEV (Valenciennes)

    Valenciennes 2001 - 2004 Mechanics and Energetics

    Mechanics and Energetics


Annuaire des membres :