


En résumé

Aerospace|Management|Materials|Manufacturing|Technical Writer| Technical Author| IT|R&D| Process Engineer | All in one Engineer here for upswing your organization #ONO.

I can be a great asset to your organization with sum up all my talents and knowledge which I gained through my experience, Trust me I will always find out an easy way to complete all the tasks before time with high productivity in excellent quality which always saves your money.

An aerospace engineer with experience in authoring aircraft manuals, leadership, teamwork, creativity, and innovation. Strong understanding of aircraft IPC implements quality standards, industrial manufacturing processes. Also have good communication skills with knowledge of a potential risk of non-compliance, analysis, and argumentation. I am very punctual, reliable, and eager to dedicate myself to getting better every single day, but I am also very fascinated by Aircraft and a variety of space. I would really enjoy supporting your team with my achieved knowledge. I consider myself as being capable of fitting quickly in any work environment.

About Me:
I am an Aerospace engineer, who worked as an aerospace technical author for 1.6 years in the Indian Air-force project. My love of Aerospace leads me to join a masters degree in IMT-Mines Albi. Which boosted my knowledge in aerospace materials and innovation management skill.
I am a highly energetic and driven individual who spread positive energy in all kinds of work environments. Also, I believe I have the ability to face all kinds of tough situations with a smiling attitude, also I can do the role of a good team player as well as a good team leader wherever it needs. I am an enthusiastic and quick learner who always updated industry skills, And I promote myself as a smart worker.
I am fluent in 4 languages includes English, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil. Also, I am learning French, German, Dutch, and Swedish. During my international masters degree, I developed myself to


  • Wipro (Client Location ) AAPTA TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS - Aerospace Technical Writer

    2016 - 2017  Working in the EMMS (Electronics Maintenance Manual System) team at Wipro Limited (client site) to develop product documentation for Indian Air Force.
     Conversion of the Maintenance Manual (MM), overhaul manual (OHM), Illustrated Parts Catalogue and other related technical documents and guides into S1000D format as per ASD STE-100 standards (Simplified Technical English).
     Conversion of the scanned book documents associated with Indian Air Force Vehicles and Aircrafts to IETM output.
     Authoring content in XML using Arbor text Epic Editor and Oxygen XML Editor as per the standards of the technical publications group.
     Creating TOC and DMC.
     Peer review/Quality analysis of the entire technical content written by the team before submission to client.
     Interacts with customers and the internal development team to identify and describe best practices.
     Expertise in Common Source Database (CSDB) and publisher
     Hot-spotting of illustration callouts using IsoDraw

    2015 - 2015  Certification in Technical Writing that includes training on various writing standards (S1000D, iSpec 2200, STE), Arbor Text Editor, Adobe Frame Maker, 2D & 3D conversion.
     Possess basic Working knowledge on the following manuals: CMM, AMM, IPC and SRM.


Pas de formation renseignée


Pas de contact professionnel

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