Voici quelques informations me concernant :
Nom : Yaron
Prénom : Yaron
Date de Naissance : 14.01.1997
Mail :
Mes spécialités (en anglais) :
My brand new mini blog on Instagram is about everything that I am interested in : clothing, accessories, lifestyle, travelling, branding, testing and so on. This is very exclusive because there is almost no male influenzer in Switzerland ! My community is growing exponentially due to the various content presented with a high quality photographes. Furthermore, I have just started a YouTube channel for more advanced campaigns and so my followers can know me better in different kind of videos. By posting on my Instagram and my YouTube channel, I just want to spread happiness and share all my discoveries to make the life easier and more beautiful. I am also looking for being a brand ambassador and taking part of a brand advertisement would be a dream !
Voilà pour mon profil, je souhaitais vous remercier pour votre attention et n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour de plus amples informations. Dans l'attente de votre proposition, je vous adresse mes meilleures salutations et je vous souhaite une magnifique semaine.
Noam Yaron
Instagram :
YouTube :