

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Passionné, motivé, orienté client, orienté résultats, culture internationale

Mes compétences :
Project management
Energy Efficiency
Advanced Controls
Technical Leader
Tender management
Mining industry
Energy saving solution
Water treatment
Business development
Sales development
Technical sales
International sales
Economie d'énergie
Automatismes industriels
Programmation informatique
Cloud computing
management d'equipes


  • Schneider Electric - SCADA & Software group manager

    Rueil Malmaison 2016 - maintenant En charge d'une équipe technique de réalisation de projets dans le domaine de la supervision, programmation et intégration logicielle.

  • Schneider Electric - Global Solution archtect for Water Industry - worldwide area

    Rueil Malmaison 2013 - 2016 Develop the business for Water market: identify opportunities with country sales, design the technical solution, explain and convince the customer

    Follow Water key accounts to develop globally the business: follow C-level managers to propose "first class" service, partnership to improve their technologies, International technical and sales support.

    In charge of specifying/prototyping specific business applications including cloud analytics and intelligent devices.
  • Schneider Electric - Automation Consultant – Asia Pacific

    Rueil Malmaison 2011 - 2013 Support Country Sales during project detection, qualification, design, tendering, customer meeting,
    Develop the business on key technologies: Latest Control System solution and Energy management

    Support the first implementations of Schneider DCS (Process Expert System) in India, China and Australia, Thailand:

    Main countries: India, China, Australia, Thailand
  • Schneider Electric - Technical leader - Europe, Middle east and Africa area

    Rueil Malmaison 2008 - 2011 Manage Schneider PMS (Pipeline Management System) offer development : 800K€, team of 8 people

    Solution architect for Mines: support customer specification, quotation, develop specific applications/standards to increase application design efficiency.
  • Schneider Electric - Advanced control expert / field engineer

    Rueil Malmaison 2004 - 2008 Advanced control: Expertise + Business development: Cement plant, F&B, pharmaceutical (sanofy-Invensys)

    Water treatment plant (Degremont) + boiler plants (CPCU) + Eiffel tower lift project execution
  • FORINTER - Automation project engineer

    2003 - 2004 • Advanced control expert –Milk plant optimisation
    • Automation programmer – Glass furnace.
    • Automation programmer –Athens subway communication stations



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