

  • Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz
  • stagiaire

Ben arous

En résumé

Im a Mechatronics Engineering student working to better understand how to convert a broad idea into a functional system. My expertise includes project design and management, mechanical and electronic design as well as the development and implementation of machine learning algorithms and models. I enjoy generating new ideas and devising feasible solutions to broadly relevant problems. My colleagues would describe me as a driven, resourceful individual who maintains a positive, proactive attitude when faced with adversity. Currently, Im seeking opportunities that will allow me to develop and promote technologies that benefit humans. Specific fields of interest include robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence.


  • Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz (STEG) - Stagiaire

    Technique | Ben arous 2021 - 2021 The main goal of this project consists of making a long range control system for a Gas Turbine, as an approach to this subject I started by studying the functionalities of the machine and its environment then simulating it on ISIS, then I used the graphical programming environment LabVIEW for creating a user interface turning it into a secured application that could be implemented in any OS , after that the communication between the virtual designated system and the application are checked relying on VSPE
    Finally, to help users and workers acquire better understanding of the project i have created a prototype to describe the main functions of the real system relying on Arduino software and hardware also SolidWorks helped on sketching the surface of the prototype .
  • Asteelflash - Stagiaire

    Technique | Ariana 2020 - 2020 My main task during this internship is troubleshooting existing machine and upgrading its card adjustment sub-system to be automatically controlled .
    Additionally, I helped workers with preventive and corrective maintenance .
  • S.T.A. Société Tunisienne d'Automobiles - Stagiaire

    Technique | Ben arous 2019 - 2019 As its my first internship, I learned a lot from it, starting by arriving early and gaining self discipline and responsibility, my main task is to assist the workers with vehicles repairing and troubleshooting .
    Additionally, I helped with validating customers' concerns .


  • Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Rades (ISET Rades)

    Rades 2021 - 2022 niveau : master professionnel en mécatronique
    activités : Sports, research of new technology , Book reading
    rang : 2
  • Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Rades (ISET Rades)

    Rades 2018 - 2021 niveau : licence appliquée en genie mécanique spécialité mécatronique
    activités : Robotics, Volunteering, Sports
  • School Ahmed Amine El Mourouj 4

    El Mourouj 4 2015 - 2018 niveau : Baccalauréat science technique
    activités : Volunteering ,Teamwork ,Sports


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