Set up of proposals: Support project holders to set up and write European and international proposals to maximize their chances of success.
• Negotiation: Interface with EC, submit necessary elements for the signature of grant agreement, negotiate consortium agreement between partners.
• Management: Carry out day to day running of projects and respect of contractual engagements with the European commission.
• Dissemination: Setting-up project public internet website; preparation of presentation leaflet describing the network, coordination of the communication to general public
• Valorization of the project: Anticipate with the coordinator the possible exploitation and self sustainability of the project (patents, licences, start-ups, calls for proposal).
2000-2002 University Laval (Quebec, Canada)
MBA: Business administration
1998-2000 University Laval (Quebec, Canada)
B.S Biochemistry
1994-1997 Ecole Nationale de Physique Chimie et Biologie
BTS Biochemistry
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Budget management
Propriété industrielle