I'm a 24 years old young flight instructor who discovered the world of aviation during high school with Flight Simulator, and started to use the IVAO network, where I met the guy who brought me to an airclub for the first time. I started to fly at Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole airfield (near Paris). Then I decided to make an integrated professional training at ESMA Aviation Academy (Montpellier).
Since july, 2014, after I completed my flying courses, I came back at Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole, as Flight Instructor, But during summer 2015, I had the opportunity to teach 4 cadet pilots from Civil Aviation Flight University of China. Besides, I also was deputy head of training.
Now, I want to move forward in my career. I'm available to move as soon as needed, as well as undertaking any complementary training you would require as I currently meet all requirements for IRI and/or CRI (see flight time details below).
Total Flight Time, including simulation flight time (FNPT2): 1350h
Experience as Flight Instructor: 950h
Experience as Pilot-in-Command (including flight time as flight instructor): 1250h
Experience on Multi-Engine: 95h
Experience on IFR: 215h
JAA/EASA Frozen ATPL, CPL/IR-ME and IR-SE, unrestricted FI(A) with Night endorsement, ICAO/EASA ELP FCL1.055D level 6
Medical Class 1, without any restriction.
Mes compétences :
Réglementation aéronautique européenne