Orange Business Services / Network Related Services
- Chief Information Officer
2007 - maintenant
Nework Related Services was created in 2009 from subsidiaries of Orange and companies bought in 2007.
Since 2009, new companies was integrated in NRS. Some was sold.
Currently, these subsidiaires are Orange Application for Business + Int'l subsidiaires (Belgium, Asia, India), Orange Cloud for Business, Orange Cyber Defense, Obiane + int'l subsidiariy in Belgium, FIME + int'l subsidiaries (Asia & canada), Orange Consulting
Main tasks :
- IT Strategy plans – Global plan for IT Core, specific plan per group of companies
- M&A processus (due diligence, transition issue, agreement, …)
- IT Organization including processes, procedures, catalog of IT common services, global budget, …
- IT Management – Sécurity, Operation, applications, …
- IT Rationalisation program - ERP, CRM, Infrastructure, messaging system, …
Other :
50 IT people + Int'l local contacts
Exec Ctee Member
Orange Business Services / Trading Solutions (ETRALI Group)
- Chief Information Officer / DSI
2005 - 2007
Chief Information Officer, Executive Ctee’s Member
International environment (USA, Europe, Asia)
- ERP Project - Oracle E-Business Suite (Order Management, Accounting System, Purchase Order, Supply Chain, After Sales Service, Maintenance Contracts, Inventory, Installed base, …)
- Business Intelligence through Business Object
- Network Software, specific development based on powerbuilder
- IT’s international infrastructure deployement + Secured Remote access
NRJ Group
- IT Director / Dir. Etudes Informatiques
2001 - 2005
Manage IT’s projects, software developments, strategic studies (12 people + external people, investment budget between 6 M€ to 12 M€).
- ERP Project - SAP R3 (FI, CO, SD, IS/MEDIA, MM, PS, TR, PM, BW).
- Projet CRM (software Peoplesoft) for commercial team.
- Intranet for datas, videos, … + corporate portal (Software : Microsoft / DOT NET)
- IT’s national transformationl (LAN, WAN, firewall, internet, Servers, PC’s)
- Advertising planification national and regional software, specific WAN
- Maintenance and support of all applications
- Digital distributing music project : strategy (data management company, broadcaster, provider, telecom operator, mobile phone company) English meeting in Ireland (Bristol), France and US with OD2, Microsoft, NOKIA, …
- Miscellaneous : Tools and method for project management and budget, participation to the legal contracts for the projects, service level agreement and software licences.
- IT Project Office Manager / Dpt Manager / Project Director / Responsable de domaine
1997 - 2001
IT’s Project Office manager / Nov 2000 => Sept 2001
Manage 7 IT’s activities for SFR with a project office (4 people, budget 60 M€ . IT’ service with 250 people.
Program Manager for UNIX servers consolidation March 2000 / Nov 2000
The main goal was to reduce the cost of IT’s exploitation and also to reduce the technology footprint (600 servers).
Departement Manager / July 99 => Feb 2000
Define products and service level agreement for the local information system (lan,wan, destops, laptops, servers). Consulting for internal customers, project management with a team (4 people).
Project Director / July 1997 => Feb 2000
Manage IT’s and WAN/LAN migration (April 1998 / Feb 2000 – 150 people – budget 27 M€)
- Develop change management plan for new process roll-out
- Manage 150 personnes (internal / external) – 12 busines units
- Developp a matric method with a project office
- Communication process changes
Manage Intranet national project (1,2 M€, 5 people), mail migration project (From Lotus, Banyan, Microsoft to Microsoft environment, 1,5 M€, 10 pers.), manage 7 IT’s areas in France (july 1997 / sept.1998).
- Projet Manager / Organization Management / Organisateur / Resp. Projets et Expertises
1988 - 1997
Project Manager / 1995 => 1997
Define the local information program for 1997 – 1999 then manage the projects
Others projects : Files services, mail system, LAN for 350 pc’s
Organisation management (1990 / 1994), Local information system manager (1988 / 1989)
- Design & Development / Technician of Production / Développeur / Technicien de Production
1982 - 1988
Design and development / 1986 => 1988
Develop a specific software for the assessments in current and constant FRF for each production business unit
Develop specific requests from a software data center (SYSINT, ANSWER DB)
Technician of productionn / 1982 => 1986
Manage prototype electronic system for military aircraft