


En résumé

My path follows the product life cycle from its conception to its sale with the advertising it gets.

The retail experience I had at Cartier taught me how retail actually worked, but also how a creation ended in the hands of the consumer.
In marketing development at L’ORÉAL, I had the opportunity to observe how a product takes shape in the hands of marketers: packaging, wording, legal mentions, instructions, market studies for new insights and concepts.

My interest for the product in its global nature urges me to follow the governing principle of its cycle against a backdrop of creativity.

I wish to do my next internship in an advertising agency to observe a creative universe.
Digital and strategic planning are the next jobs I wish to observe during my next professional experiences.

Six months at L’ORÉAL revealed creative potential in my work and way of thinking, would it be in brainstorming or in figuring out concepts out of new insights. This potential I am eager to make the best out of it and sketch my future job with it.

+33 (0) 6 59 73 88 11

Please find a résumé bellow.

Mes compétences :
front office
brand analysis
back Office
Rich experience
Reims Management
Microsoft Office


  • L'ORÉAL ACD - Project Manager Assistant

    2014 - 2014 Work on three different axes
    Writing market studies and elaboration of new concepts
    Work on cosmetics-related projects with the international teams
    Taking part in visual and legal repackaging on a 16 reference range
    Combination of SELL-OUT data on a daily basis
    Writing of COMEX notes and PROSPECTIVE BOOKS a six month span
  • L'ORÉAL DCA - Assistant chef de projet

    2014 - 2014 Travailler sur trois axes de cosmétique active en simultané LANGUES
    Rédiger des études concurrentielles et élaborer de nouveaux concepts
    Travailler sur des projets cosmétiques avec les équipes internationales
    Participer au repackaging visuel et légal sur une gamme de 16 références Français
    Combiner des données SELL-OUT quotidien via IOM-IAM DATABASE Anglais
    Rédiger les notes COMEX et les BOOKS PROSPECTIFS sur six mois
    Espagnol ,
  • L'ORÉAL BrandStorm - Team member

    2014 - 2014 Six person team - Finished 2nd out of 12 teams
    Market and brand analysis, innovation and communication plan settlement
  • Neoma Business School - Campus Reims - Membre d'équipe

    2014 - 2014 Concours d'innovation produit BrandStorm L'ORÉAL (
    Équipe coachée de six personnes - Résultat 2nd sur 12 équipes
    Analyse de marché et de marque, innovation, plan de communication INFORMATIQUE
  • CARTIER Champs Élysées - Sales Assistant

    2013 - 2013 Overview of back and front office logistics
    Customer welcome: 250 customers a day, 85% of foreign clientele
    Observe sales techniques and assist
    Contact with product marketing and merchandising services
  • CARTIER Champs Élysées - Assistant de vente

    2013 - 2013 Veiller à la logistique back et front office OFFICE
    Accueillir le client : 250 clients par jour, 85% de clientèle étrangère
    Observer les techniques de vente puis aider à sa réalisation ARTIST
    Contacts avec les services merchandising et marketing développement IOM-IAM
  • VERT OXYGENE - Assistant d'intervention

    2013 - 2013 Intervenir en équipes pour copropriétés et particuliers
    Expérience riche en management et en contact humain
  • VERT OXYGÈNE - Landscaper

    2013 - 2013 Intervention in teams for residences and individuals
    Rich experience in management and human contact
  • OSILOG - Manutentionnaire

    2010 - 2010



Annuaire des membres :