
Perrine LE GALL


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Stratégie de communication
Gestion de la relation client


  • Challenge ISCOM’s winner - Customer Relations Manager

    2013 - maintenant Creating a communication strategy of an engineering and human resources company.
    Company positioning and communication tool proposition adapted to each customers and collaborators.
  • ONG ES.VI.PE Afrique (Togo) - Communication Manager

    2013 - maintenant Setting up a project combatting AIDS.
    Upstream diagnosis of current situation in order to know the population's type. Setting up communication tools adapted to targets. Team management and project carrying out.
    Assessment and consequences of means employed.
  • Cap & Cime PR Paris - Press Office Assistant in Consumer Department

    2013 - maintenant Journalist reminder on different budgets ( Culture & Tourism, Gastronomy & food industry, luxury, trade shows)
    Sector observation
    Creating press releases
    Journalist delivery
  • Placedelacom, Montpellier - Chief of project Assistant

    2011 - 2011 Link to graphic artist to customers
    Understanding and transmitting the client's needs
    Market analysis, Comprehension of client's request
    Creating newsletter



Annuaire des membres :