


En résumé

 Suivi des statistiques et des accidents/incidents
 Support technique pour les analyses de risques, la création de documents HSE et les démarrages de chantiers
 Création de supports pour les causeries HSE
 Evaluation des besoins en formations
 Evaluation et recrutement de 260 Monteurs
 Conseil sur le choix des EPIs et du matériel
 Rédaction PPSPS de l’arrêt
 Création d’outils (Flashes, Affiches)
 Développement du département
 Relation direct avec le client
2011 .GIES 1 & 2 (ATSI formation Châteauneuf-les –Martigues France)
. PSC1, (Croix blanche de Marseille France)
.PAE3, (Croix blanche de Marseille France)
.Brevet national français de moniteur de prévention et secours (Ministère de l’intérieur Croix blanche de Marseille France)
.Levage (QSE Formation Foss sur Mer France)

Mes compétences :
Arbre des causes
Moniteur PAE-F-PSC
Spécaliste en Levage
Formateur HSE
Garant arbre des causes
Reception echafaudages
On shore et Off shore
Mine et gaz
Construction et revamping des unités


  • EERI BF - Manager HSSEQ

    2017 - maintenant  Mise en place des plans d’actions projets et suivi des objectifs
     Suivi des statistiques et des accidents/incidents
     Support technique pour les analyses de risques, la création de documents HSE et les démarrages de chantiers
     Création de supports pour les causeries HSE
     Evaluation des besoins en formations
     Evaluation des besoins en recrutement
     Conseil sur le choix des EPIs et du matériel
     Réponse aux préqualifications et appels d’offres
     Création d’outils
     Développement du département
     Relation direct avec le client
     S’assurer du contrôle périodique du matériel
     Audits chantier et audit agence
     Mise en place d’actions correctives
     Formation des employés
     Evaluation et formation des correspondants HSE
     Animation causeries (jusqu’à 650 personnes)

  • KIVUWATT - Coordinateur HSE-Q

    2000 - maintenant Framing of the HSE team HSE officers in permanence and traineeships
     Drawing up of safety actions plans for the branch and projects also follow up of the year objectives
    • Follow-up of accidents (analysis, reports, proposition of corrective actions).
     Drawing up of technical support for risk analysis, also the HSE documents for all new project or work start
     Drawing up of visual aid HSE tool-box meeting
     Estimate the training needs
     Estimate the recruit needs
     Advise in the choice of PPE and material
     Answer of the work proposal of eventual clients
     Edith tool for employees information
     Department expansion
     Contact with the client‘s representatives
     Follow up and control of the works equipments (slings, extinguishers, ladders, safety harness, scaffolds etc.).
     Safety visits on worksites.
     Drawing up on correctives actions
     Training of employees
     valuation and training of safety officers
     tool-box meeting until 650 employees
     drawing up of project technical HSE Revue and document
     Internal visit ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 (departments contractors, purchase, process/safety)
     Define how to put safety efficacy sign at project management
     Follow up of Accident/Incident and experience feedback on the project management also act out of database
     Organization and buoyancy of meetings, training, brainstorming
     Initiation and putting in place one program in the protection of environment.

    14 years experiences

    August 2014 (in progress) HSE Manager Expat management in the Rwanda Gas Extraction Facility Project KIVUWATT

    Mai 13-Juin 2014 HSE Manager Friedlander ORTEC group TOTAL Gabon in plateform extension project Onshore (COUCAL /AVOCETTE)

    April 2013 HSE Manager Friedlander ORTEC group TOTAL Gabon with the shutdown off BAMS offshore plateforms

    December 2012-March13 HSE Manager Friedlander ORTEC group TOTAL Congo with the shutdown off NKOSSA offshore plateform

    April 2012-December12 HSE Manager Friedlander ORTEC group GTI project TOTAL Gabon with the shutdown off Grondin, Gonnelle and Torpille offshore plateforms

    Febrary 2012-March 2012 HSE Manager Friedlander ORTEC group TASIAST KINROSS Mauritanie gold mine Project& jubile project phase 2 in TAKORADI Ghana

    June 2011-January12 HSE-Q Site Manager, ORTEC group HUB Project (SIMOPS) and Shut down of platforms NKOSSA, NKF1, NKF2, And TCHIBELI Offshore TOTAL Congo

    Nov 2010-May 11 HSE-Q Manager, ORTEC group Project Shut down of platforms (SEFP,SEF1,SEF2,SEF3,SEF4)and (YAQ,YAF1,YAF2,YAF3 and KOMBI LIKALALA) Offshore TOTAL Congo (600 Persons) offshore Total Congo

    May 2010-Oct 10 HSE-Q Manager, ORTEC group Project JUBILE SEKONDI GHANA TECHNIP onshore/offshore with erection of 47 Jumpers and many seafastening

    Oct 2009-May 10 HSE-Q Manager, ORTEC group Project Shut down of seven platforms offshore Total Congo

    Oct 2008-oct 09 HSE-Q Manager, ORTEC group Project erection of Koula facility platforms Onshore KOULA SHELL GABON

    HSE- Q, Coordinator ORTEC group Projects & branch of CONGO BRAZZAVILLE (POINTE NOIRE)

    2005-2008 Big projects done :

     Big shut down of plateform NKOSSA (TOTAL E&P Congo) Offshore
     Erection of sub sea structures for supporting jumpers (ACERGY) Onshore
     Erection of 10 Well Jumpers Moho Bilondo Project (New plateform Total E&P Congo) Onshore
     Erection of integration Pipe line in Djeno terminal pump station Moho Bilondo project (Onshore)
     Shut down petroleum Terminal pump station of Djeno production line KITINA and PROSER(Onshore)
     Many shut downs for the maintenance of the productions line of those platform in Total Congo Tchibouela, Yanga, TAP, YAFP (Offshore)
     Erection of tanks in SCLOG and, ZETHA (Maurel et Prom Group) Onshore
     Many seafastening with Marina sea, Big lift

    2004-2005 HSE Supervisor, ORTEC group Baobab Project erection of 15 Well jumpers and many seafastening for FMC TAKORADI (GHANA) (Onshore/Offshore)

  • Ortec Friedlander - HSE-Q

    Aix-en-Provence 2000 - 2009
  • Ortec Friedlander - Coordinateur HSE-Q

    Aix-en-Provence 2000 - 2009
  • Ortec - Manager HSE

    Aix-en-Provence 2000 - maintenant


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :