
Philippe BAZIN


En résumé

Interventions les plus fréquentes en entreprise:
- Leadership et management pour les profils "experts"
- Business development pour des professionnels du tertiaire à forte capacité de création de valeur
- Coaching d'un comité de direction

J'ai trois responsabilités principales dans mon cabinet:
- "Track expert": développement d'une offre multi-culturelle, "Modelling excellence": analyse, modélisation et transfert de "la différence qui fait la différence" dans un groupe de professionnels.
Mon approche a été filmée par France 2, pour un reportage qui a été diffusé en octobre 2009.
- Animation de la practice "Cabinets de conseil" de krauthammer
- Ouverture et développement de Krauthammer en Grèce (2006) et Turquie (2008)

Enseignant certifié en PNL, spécialisation "Modélisation et coaching" à l'Université de Santa Cruz, certifications par Richard Bandler et Robert Dilts.
2 publications:
"Petit manuel d'Auto-coaching" en 2006. Meilleure vente "coaching" en France sur ces 3 dernières années
"Petit manuel de Self-Leardership", nov 2010.
Conseiller éditorial pour les Editions Dunod

Coaching, consulting and training company Krauthammer responds to client needs worldwide where strategic changes or operational improvements demand behaviour change at the individual, team and corporate levels. In addition to improving particular areas in organisational systems - building and sustaining a high performance organisation and implementing effective change.
(We believe that, given the right conditions and attitude, people are capable of significant personal growth. All Krauthammer interventions - and the men and women who deliver them - are underpinned by this belief.)

Mes compétences :
Conseil Vente


  • Krauthammer International - Associé

    maintenant Years with Krauthammer International: Entry 1997
    - Knowledge creator
    - In charge of the development of Greece and Turquey
    Specialisms at Krauthammer International:
    - Personal coaching, diagnostic and major changes in companies cultures (EDF), train the trainers programs (Credit Lyonnais), Management and training of high performers (IBM, Bearing Point, Eurogroup, L'Oreal)
    - Modelling of excellence in a specific business environment and creation of a transfer process
    - Management and sales training and coaching for consultants that have an expert profile in consulting companies
    Typical client projects:
    - EDF: Implementation of a new commercial culture 1300 persons
    - Bearing Point: European sales and management program
    - L'Oreal: European Leadership program for country managers, "Luxury Products" division
    Previous career includes: Colgate Palmolive, area manager in recovery services SFR
    Education and qualifications: Degree in economy and management University Paris II, Certified NLP trainer, master in ericksonian communication, "modeling and coaching" certification at University of California Santa-Cruz
    Publications: "Petit manuel d'auto-coaching", Dunod 2006, best sales in France under the keyword "coaching" in 2006 and 2007.
    Hobbies: planting trees in my farm, rising children, writting books, travelling in Greece
  • Krauthammer - Associé

    Paris maintenant
  • Krauthammer - Consultant

    Paris maintenant


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :