A solid theoretical background in Mathematics completed by a ten year experience with the application of the most advanced theories in signal and image processing, computer vision, tracking and recognition:
-Radar field at French Aerospace Office (ONERA),
-Cybernetics and Optimal Control at the McGill “Center for Intelligent Machines”,
-Vehicle Tracking and Recognition at INRIA and CEA CESTA, the French Atomic Energy Commission,
-Automatic Segmentation and Pattern Recognition in MRI images at Arthrovision
Journal articles published:
"A branch-and-bound algorithm applied to optimal radar search pattern" Pierre Dodin, Pierre Minvielle, Jean-Pierre Le Cadre. Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 4, May 2007, Pages 279-288
"Estimating the ballistic coefficient of a re-entry vehicle", DODIN P, MINVIELLE P., LE CADRE J. P., IET radar, sonar & navigation ; 2007, vol. 1, no3, pp. 173-183
"Automatic Human Knee Cartilage Segmentation from 3D Magnetic Resonance Images", Pierre Dodin, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, François Abram, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Nov. 2010, Volume 57, Issue 11, pp 2699-2711
"A fully automated human knee 3D MRI bone segmentation using the ray casting technique.", Pierre Dodin, Martel-Pelletier J., Pelletier JP., Abram F., Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing October 29, 2011
"A fully automated system for quantification of knee bone marrow lesions using MRI and the osteoarthritis initiative cohort", Pierre Dodin, François Abram, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing, December 17, 2012
Mes compétences :
Image Processing
Signal Processing
Pas de formation renseignée