


En résumé

Respected as a top European expert for desktop and application delivery, Pierre is a pioneer and a leading voice in the worldwide technical community. Since 2003, he has developed and managed the Citrix team for two Citrix platinum partners, delivering Citrix environments now in use across several French Fortune 100 companies.

Pierre is also internationally recognized for developing indispensible automation scripts and tools that industrialize Citrix integration and management, that are in production today within thousands of enterprise organizations. He runs the popular community site (now part of, and is a regular contributor to and other cutting-edge industry websites. Pierre is one of the most awarded Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) worldwide, and has been a CTP Alumni until the Norskale acquisition.

The success of and demand for Pierre’s automation technologies led to his vision and establishment of Norskale - now part of Citrix.

Mes compétences :
Architecture informatique
Gestion de projet
Microsoft .NET


  • Ovesys - MIBS - Responsable Pôle Citrix

  • Citrix Systems - Technology Strategist

    Fort Lauderdale 2018 - maintenant
  • Citrix Systems - Principal Architect

    Fort Lauderdale 2016 - 2018
  • Norskale - CEO & Founder

    2012 - 2016 Norskale is a 100% software solution for any Microsoft Windows based environment that provides enterprise customers with the best possible workspace performance for their users and ROI for the business.

    Quick and easy to deploy, Norskale technology uses innovative algorithms that streamline the way desktop and application virtualization solutions, and physical PCs consume system resources, accelerating application and logon response times, providing truly dynamic desktops, extending the life of existing hardware, and reducing desktop and server requirements by up to 70%.
  • VirtuAll Solutions - CTO & President

    2011 - 2012 Respected as a top European expert for desktop and application delivery, Pierre is a pioneer and a leading voice in the worldwide technical community. Since 2003, he has developed and managed the Citrix team for two Citrix platinum partners, delivering Citrix environments now in use across several French Fortune 100 companies.

    Pierre is also internationally recognized for developing indispensible automation scripts and tools that industrialize Citrix integration and management, that are in production today within thousands of enterprise organizations. He runs the popular community site (now part of, and is a regular contributor to and other cutting-edge industry websites.

    Pierre is one of the most awarded Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP) worldwide, and is currently a CTP Alumni.

    The success of and demand for Pierre’s automation technologies led to his vision and establishment of Norskale.
  • Overlap - Responsable Pôle Citrix

    Courbevoie 2009 - 2012 Création, développement et gestion de la business unit Citrix
  • OORIUM SAS - Responsable Technique Pôle Application Delivery

    2003 - 2009 Mes responsabilités : Développement de l'Activité et de l'Offre, Expertise

    Ma profession : Création et développement du département Infrastructure d'accès / Citrix

    Obtention du statut de Partenaire « Platinum » en 4 ans

    Consultant Senior : Intervention sur projets de 5 à 20000 utilisateurs

    Conceptualisation, formulation et supervision de la mise en oeuvre d'un Framework Projet Spécifique, réelle valeur ajoutée et critère de différenciation de l'offre.

    Définition et supervision de la conception d'outils spécifiques venant appuyer et valoriser le Framework Projet.

    Définition, Conception et Rédaction des dossiers de réponse.

    Gestion de Projet, Avant Vente, Formation, Management, Expertise.

    Gestion des relations avec les éditeurs partenaires

    Certifications Professionnelles :

    • Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator (C.C.E.A) for Metaframe XP & Metaframe Access Suite 3.0, CCEA For XenApp 4.X
    • Citrix Certified Integration Architect (C.C.I.A) for XenApp 4.X
    • Citrix Certified Administrator (C.C.A) for Metaframe XP & Metaframe Access Suite 3.0 / Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 / Citrix Password Manager 4.0 / Citrix Access Gateway / Netscaler ...
    • Citrix Certified Instructor
    • Arkoon Certified Security Expert
    • Thinprint Certified Master
    • MCP Windows 2003 Serveur
    • MCP Windows 2000 Serveur
    • MCP Windows 2000 Professionnel
    • Cisco Certified Network Associate
    • Appsense Certified Administrator
    • Softgrid Certified Professionnal

    Autres :

    • Membre du Club des Experts Citrix
    • Lauréat de la première session du Club des Experts Citrix
  • ADVCOM - Ingénieur Systèmes & Réseaux

    Liévin 2001 - 2003 Deux années en alternance dans une SSII durant lesquelles j’ai participé à plusieurs projets informatiques conséquents pour des PME-PMI aussi bien que pour de grands comptes.

    - Implémentation et Déploiement de Metaframe 1.8 et Metaframe XP 1.0 / 3.0
    - Implémentation d’environnements Windows 2003 / Terminal Services
    - Implémentation d’environnements Windows 2000 / Terminal Services
    - Implémentation, Administration et Déploiement de Microsoft ISA Server 2000
    - Implémentation, Administration et Déploiement de Microsoft Exchange 2000 / 2003
    - Implémentation, Administration et Déploiement de Lotus Domino 5.XX / 6.XX
    - Installation et configuration de d’éléments actifs Cisco (routeurs et switches)
    - Implémentation de Firewall Cisco Pix
    - Implémentation de Firewall Checkpoint NG


Annuaire des membres :