


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Contrôle interne
Gestion de projet


  • Ernst & Young - Paris - Senior Industry Sector

    Courbevoie 2011 - maintenant Gained a thorough understanding of the audit approach, methodology and tools while performing internal control review process

    Audited financial statements of listed and non listed companies and drafted summary review memorandum
  • SGCIB - NYC - Analyst in the North American M&A Department

    2011 - 2011 Assisted in preliminary valuation (trading and transaction multiples, Discounted Cash Flow and WACC analysis) of a financial exchange company, which provided in-depth explanation of the various metrics and application of these metrics

    Performed in-depth research and analysis of business drivers and metrics, competition and outlook on various North American pitched to European clients
  • SAS France - Reorganization of Sales

    2010 - 2010 Reclassified key client sales accounts based on new segmentation including size, industry and loyalty of each customer

    Analyzed company cost structure to design a more efficient process of maintaining target margins for enterprise sales
  • SGCIB - Paris - Analyst in the Large Capitalization Mergers & Acquisitions Department

    2009 - 2009 Participated in the development of financial models detailing projected cash flow, comparable analysis and WACC analysis

    Drafted case studies and company profiles for potential mergers, acquisitions and divestments
  • Nicolas - Shop Manager

    THIAIS 2008 - 2008 In charge of all store operations (increased sales by 10%)

    Responsible for accounting and inventories management
  • Perles Boréales - Part-Time Internship in the Management Control Department

    2008 - 2008 Analysis of the company’s financial accounts and profitability

    Evaluation of the potential opening of a new store
  • Domaine du Coquerel - Warehouseman

    2007 - 2007



Annuaire des membres :