


En résumé

With a strong technical and project management background, based on major projects in various countries, my aim is to become in the next 2 years, manager of a profits center like business unit or international ambitious project.

My values are:

_Meet the needs of customers
_Compliance with commitments,
_Achievement of objectives.
_Risks and oportunities management,

Mes compétences :
mise en service


  • Systra - Projects Area Director and Deputy Sales Director

    Paris 2015 - maintenant
  • Systra - Technical Director SYSTRA Mexico

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Further to various projects in 2014, SYSTRA decided to reimplant in Mexico through its subsidiary MEXISTRA that I took the technical direction.

    While managing personally the project of rehabilitation of the Line 12 of Mexico (technically/politicaly difficult and on a relatively squeezed schedule), I'm developing the activity, in a country where we were not presents since several years and for which the objectives are ambitious.

    During 2015, I had in particular:
    _Developed and realized a business about 6,5Meuros.
    _Developed a relactionship with the clients, based on transparency, advices, compliance with commitments, achievement of objectives.
    _Set up and organized a team of about 15 engineers and 22 technicians.
    _Managed the rehabilitation of the line 12 of the Subway of Mexico City which was putted back in service in two stages, (at the ends of October and November)
  • Systra - Rolling Stock Project engineer

    Paris 2013 - 2014 In the Rolling stock and Workshop department , I 'm working on studies of the acquisition, modification, renovation and maintenance of the rolling stocks and the public transports (TGV, locomotives, tramways, subway, autoengines, bus and trolley bus).

    My missions are in particular:

    - Analyze customers needs,
    - Write the functional and technical specifications related to the project (acquisition or modification),
    - Participate in the technical choices of the rolling stock (writing of the call for tenders, analyse the offers)
    - Check and validate the technical documents, the studies, the validation of the design, the manufacturing, the follow-up of the tests and the shipping,
    - Participate in the reception and in the commissionnement of the material, in the diagnosis of old rolling stock and write survey reports containing recommendations and/or conclusions,
    - Insure the technology watch of rolling stocks,
    - Participate in the writing of the technical parts of the offers and in the elaboration of the methodology.
  • BombardierTransportation - Project engineer (Freelance)

    Crespin 2013 - 2014
  • BombardierTransportation - Project Engineer – REGIO2N EVA department

    Crespin 2012 - 2013 Missions:
    -Manage "production tests", "tests method", "product introduction" and engineering teams to realize the commisionning of the firsts trains. Pilot tests on trains according the master planning.

    -Propose a new pragmatic and innovative organization adapted to requirements of the project commissionning.

    Achievements: The firsts dynamics tests on the first train started 3month after the firsts statics tests. Today, the new organization, based on my recommandations supports trains test in their missions.
  • Bombardier - Project engineer/Functional architect - REGIO2N Labotrain department

    Crespin 2011 - 2012 During the signature of the Regio2N contract , BOMBARDIER decided to implement a Labotrain. Mains objectives of this investments are the validation of the design by anticipation and increase the growth of reliability.

    This Labotrain is constituted by 2 systems, the EDET, which is a simulator of environment developed by SAFRAN Eng. and the Train 0 which is the faithful reproduction of a serial train ( Except mechanicals equipements and high voltage.)

    My missions on this project were:

    Pilot equipements integration and design of the Train zero in terms of:
    - Electrics: cabling, relay panels, electrical cab , connectors, cuts, power supplies,
    - Electronics equipements: racks, I/O interfaces,
    - Mechanics: 3D models, equipements implementation, panels and controls, cable routing,
    - Functional aspects real/simulated components, extension possibilities,
    - Physical aspects layout of bays, definition of infrastructure needs,

    Manage the Train zero's implementation (cabling, equipements)

    Manage and support our partner SAFRAN Engineering in the design and in the implemention of the EDET on the following topics:
    - Interface with the train 0
    - Power supply
    - Mechanics: 3D models, equipements implementation,
    - Functional aspects: real/simulated components, IHM design, extension possibilities,
    - Physical aspects layout of bays,

    Manage the reception phase.

    Achievements: The first tests started in November, 2011. The first version of the Labotrain was received at the beginning of the year 2012. The budget of this project was about 12 million euros.
  • Ipsis - Project Engineer – REGIO 2N SCC department

    2010 - 2011 My first mission (2009-2010) on the project R2N was the management of the implementation of europeen requirements by the engineering team.
  • Alten - Test Engineer / Train Chief in ALSTOM TRANSPORT

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2008 - 2010 On the TTNG project, under the responsibility of the technical director and the validation manager my missions were the definition of the validation plan, pilot Sub-Sytems validation (for systems in my scope ex:brake, cvs...), pilot mockups tests, realise the commisionning of the first train and pilot train tests.

    Achievements: The firsts dynamics tests started 3 months after the production handover and the dynamics brakes validation tests started after 2 months more.
  • IFTH - Apprenti

    2002 - 2004


Pas de formation renseignée

Annuaire des membres :