


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Eastern Europe
Project management


  • 3DGurian - 3D Modelling, visualisation and animation for architecture and neon factories

    2013 - maintenant 3DGurian, the 3D Modelling & Animation department at Guriansoft has got a great experience in 3D Design and Animation, for more than four years now we successfully executed several International rendering projects across the Western Europe.

    Our main specialties are 3D Architecture and Real-estate development, and 2D/3D for Neon factories.
  • Guriansoft - Expert in outsourcing, project governance & management, System Requirements & Processes

    Paris 1995 - maintenant === SOFTWARE PUBLISHER ==============================================

    Guriansoft publish ONEBEEZ and GPDEF, two web based solutions.

    • GPDEF: Support to project owner. Through 10 steps, GPDEF helps project owner to cope with a wide set of issues related to any software development. GPDEF is designed to allow several people to work together on a shared project at any time and any step. The global and detailed system requirement released will allow any professional developer to bring the right answers to your needs.
    Visit: https://gpdef.com

    • ONEBEEZ is a business management tool designed for companies wishing to build an information-sharing and communicative working environment. Ideally at the disposal of small and medium-sized enterprises and retail outlets of all sizes, ONEBEEZ proposes for their management needs web solutions which draw on technology so far restricted to large companies.
    Visit: http://guriansoft.com/en/saas/onebeez/

    === CROSS-BORDER PROJECTS ===========================================

    Cross Border Project Management involving countries such as United-Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherland, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Spain, United States of America and Georgia.
    Most significant Cross Border Projects developed:
    • Guriansoft: Financial Erp.
    • CS-Security: After sale on-line catalogue
    • MAE French Foreign Office: Human resources management system
    • CS-SI: Data control project for Autoroute du Mont Blanc
    • CS-SI: E-commerce security jedi-Fire project for the EEC
    • CS-SI: Public Key Infrastructure project for the EEC
    • France Telecom Mobile: Datamart IRIS
    • XRT: Universe 2.0 and above
    • SAGE : Sage FRP Treasury Universe
    • Guriansoft: GPDEF
    • Guriansoft: ONEBEEZ
    • Guriansoft Web agency: +200 projects
  • Chene MicroSystems - Gerant

    1993 - 1997 Software re-publisher working for Canadian, American, and Dutch software publishers. Building sale offers, hot-line assistance. Press action, marketing development and exhibition organisation.
    IT Service for Marketing companies, large volumes of Data collection and organisation, process setting and reporting preparation
    Software publisher of Allix Human Ressources solution.
  • Thapsia System - Gerant

    1989 - 1993 Software publisher of Allix Human Ressources solution.
  • Kynos Sarl - Technical Director

    1986 - 1989 All around Machitosh and Apple offer.



Annuaire des membres :