Pisal PHAL (Cambodia) holds a Master in Public International Law, Lyon-France. His dissertation, which is “Maritime Delimitation between Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam in the Thailand Gulf”, was awarded with honors. At present, he is engaged in a PhD studies at the University Lyon 3. His Ph.D paper is relating to the Asian Approaches of Maritime Delimitation and theirs impacts on stability and change of the International law of maritime delimitation.
Additionally, he participated in several conferences and training programmes, such as the Summer Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law (2013), the External Programme of The Hague Academy of International Law (Gujarat-India, 2013) and the 8th IFLOS Summer Academy at ITLOS (Hamburg, 2014).
Furthermore, he was a legal intern at International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), from January to March 2014. During the internship, he was given many tasks including his paper on the subject of “Asian States Practices on Maritime delimitation”.
Currently, he is a Fellow at ITLOS Capacity-Building and Training Programme on Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS, He is expected at the end of the programme, to present before all the ITLOS judges, his paper : “Historic Titles and Historic Rights in Maritime Delimitation”.
Mes compétences :
Droit public
Commerce international
Droit international
Contentieux International
Relations internationales
Droit internationa public
Droit de la mer