Wataniya Algeria Telecom
- Data warehouse Specialist
2010 - 2010
Physical design (partitioning/index creation/storage parameters...etc).
SQL tuning (hint/compute statistics/hack statistics).
Statspack report generation/analysis.
Support ETL/Reporting team.
Database Objects documentation.
design index rebuild strategy.
design archiving strategy.
Bulk loading with SQL*Loader.
Collaboration with DBA/SYS ADM team.
Wataniya Algeria Telecom
- Oracle DBA
2010 - maintenant
DBA for Siebel & Data Wahouse Database.
- DBA Oracle
2008 - 2010
Backup & recovery (RMAN/OS).
Storage provisionning.
Database tuning (Memory (SGA/PGA),Storage, SQL).
Tune GIS data storage (ArcGIS tuning file).
Support developer team.
Import/export datapump.
Bulk loading with SQL*Loader.
Load old data (excel/access) on database.
Physical design (partitioning/index creation/storage parameters...etc).
Sql tuning (hint/compute statistics/hack statistics).
Design index rebuild strategy.
- DBA Oracle
2005 - 2008
Backup & recovery (RMAN/OS).
Oracle data guard implementation & monitoring.
Storage provisionning.
Database tuning (Memory (SGA/PGA),Storage, SQL).
Support developer team.
Import/export datapump.
Bulk loading with SQL*Loader.
Load old data (excel/access) on database.
Physical design (partitioning/index creation/storage parameters...etc).
Sql tuning (hint/compute statistics/hack statistics).
Design index rebuild strategy.
Design & develop & mantain application for (financial, HR, investissement) with Oracle developer 2000 & Oracle developer 10g.
design & develop web board reports with java (jsf, jsp)/jaspert.
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