My double experience around business transformation projects acquired initially in the finance functions of Promodès Group, then as a consultant since 1999 with a special focus on Human Capital Management has led me to address transformation in human and managerial angle. To achieve this experience, I developed with KEYLIA PARTNERS an offer “Organisation and People Transformation”.
A strong conviction as led my thinking : “Human Resources Management has never been more strategic as today for the development and performance of the companies, specially in a context of business transformation (e.g. : Digital) ”.
As part of this offer we address the following topics :
• Strengthen cross-divisional efficiency
• Help managers refind their marks
• Adapt organisation to new challenges
• Manage the social aspects of projects
• Redefine roles and responsibilities of line management
• Adjust skills to new models
• Assess and encourage group performance
• Rethink work organisation
7 years as international projects manager (Germany, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland) allows me to fully understand the multi-cultural dimension and measure the impact on business transformation
Main specialties:
Business development,
Operational strategy,
Transformation Program, Restructuring,
Change management, Program management,
Digital strategy, e-commerce, ERP
Functional expertise:
Human Resources, Accounting, Controlling, billing, Sales Administration,
Bank, Retail, Transport and Services
Mes compétences :
Ressources humaines
Pas de formation renseignée