COURBEVOIE2007 - 2010In charge of Bloc 17 Reservoir Department and Bloc 17 Geosciences Manager deputy
Production : 510 kbbl/d of oil, Budget : 40 M$/an,
Manpower : 25 engineers
Luanda, Angola
Total E&P Libye / CPTL
- Reservoir & Planning Manager
2004 - 2007In charge of Reservoir & Planning Department
Production : 60 kbbl/d of oil, Budget : 12 M$/an,
Manpower : 1 Deputy, 10 engineers and 1 Assistant
Tripoli, Libya
Total E&P Indonesia
- Head of Tunu Area Reservoir Engineering Service
COURBEVOIE2001 - 2004In charge of Tunu Area Reservoir Engineering Service
Production : 1.5 Bscf/d of gas, 33 kbbl/d of condensate,
Manpower : 6 engineers and 2 technicians
Balikpapan, Indonesia
Elf E&P Cameroon
- Reservoir Engineer
1998 - 2001In charge of the Rio del Rey West zone : Bakassi, Barombi, Betika, Boa, Boa Sud, Ekundu, Inoua, Kita and Kombo oil fields
Head of the geophysics / geology and reservoir task force on the Ekundu study in 2001
Douala, Cameroon
Elf Idrocarbury Italiana
- Reservoir Engineer
1994 - 1998In charge of the oil fields (especially heavy oil with Rospo Mare, Sarago Mare, Maria a Mare fields)
Pescara, Italy
Elf E&P
- Reservoir Engineer
1991 - 1994Special Core Analyst at Elf Aquitaine Prod. Research Center
(Pau, France)
University of Texas at Austin
- Visiting Scholar - Sent by Elf E&P
1989 - 1991Visiting Scholar at The University of Texas at Austin, Petroleum Engineering Dpt. sent by Elf E&P
Research on two-phase flow properties pseudoïsation (relative permeabilities and capillary pressure).
Austin, Texas, USA)