


En résumé


Name : Ridha KHELIFI
Date of birth : 11 June 1964
Mobile :+216 98814674
Cell +216 25 734 233
Skype : ridha64


1984-1990 Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
Former : Institute of Petrochemical Baku Azerbaijan
Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering


I am Well Engineer (Engineering and Operations), worked for different EP companies in different regions both Onshore and Offshore.
I have more than 24 years versatile industry experience in the production operations and production engineering and well completion engineering and operations, rig/rigless workover, well testing, DSTs..
Have worked with Sonangol (Offshore and Onshore Angola), Onshore Kazakhstan Repsol Russia, Shell Gabon, Baker Hughes Iraq, Dolphin Energy Offshore Qatar, Halliburton Iraq, Fina, Elf, Marathon, Shell Offshore Russia , OOCEP Oman and others EP companies in different locations.
More then 13 years in Tunisia as Well Engineer in different oil and gas fields in Tunisia responsible for well engineering , well drilling, well completion , well workover and well interventions of all oil and gas fields in Tunisia.
Supervise for several years a various operations CT , wire line and of Slickline during my experience. Also, coordinate between Slickline units operating in the field and manage a crews’ staff according to the companies HSE procedures and implement of a good and correct work techniques.
Good knowledge of the wireline and Slickline tools and perform various and managed all different operations
This also include well completion and Work over and CT , wireline and slickline Engineering and operations for the following:
Gas Wells
Oil Wells
Gas condensate wells
Wells P&A
Wells: Horizontal, High deviated, and Vertical wells
Smart Completion, Dual Completion
Activated Wells (Gas Lift and ESP and Jet Pumps and SRP.

September 2014-Present: Senior Well Completion Engineer Sonangol Luanda Angola
Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
wells are Dual Completion Wells.
Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
offshore fields
Supervise CT jobs, this include onshore development well frac job and well cleanout
Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
Offshore field)
Prepare the Well Test Programs and completion programmes for subsa deepwater offshore
wells Sonangol operateted fields, this include smart well completion design and DH tools

February 2014- August 2014:
Continue the Rigless Supervisor/Well Servicing Specialist Zhaikmunai LLP Western Kazakhstan Region contract.

December 2014-February 2014: Senior Well Completion Engineer Sonangol Luanda Angola
Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
wells are Dual Completion Wells.
Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
offshore fields
Supervisor of the following Coiled Tubing acid job(2 jobs onshore Cabinda)
Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
Offshore field)
Prepare the Well Test Programs for One onshore oil well and two subsa deepwater offshore
wells Sonangol operateted fields
Smart well completion design and DH tools running

June 2013-November 2014: Rigless Supervisor/Well Servicing Specialist Zhaikmunai LLP Western Kazakhstan Region.
Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
wells are Dual Completion Wells.
Slickline programs preparations and execution(This include PLT, DHPG, Fishings etc)
Wireline programs preparations and execution(This include Production Logging in Horizontal
and High deviated and vertical oil and Gas Wells, Perforations(TCP and W/L, Fishings etc..)
Coil Tubing programs preparations and execution(This Well, Stimulation, Well Clean
out/clean up, Well Kick Off, Acid
Well Test programme design and supervision
Wash, Water Shutoff, Fishings, etc..)
Intelligent completion
Horizontal, high deviated and vertical wells
Well completion and well Workover programs preparation and execution (Gas Condensate
Wells, Horizontal, High deviated and Vertical Well HPHT wells)
Well integrity
Well test
Supervise of S/L crew operating ASEP and ELMAR Slickline units using 0.108”, and
0.125” wire.
Drift & HUD, Tubing and Depth control.
Change Gas-lift valves & dummies and calculate hydrostatic pressures to equalize.
Running-Pulling WRSSSV and TRSSSV different Baker and Halliburton Models.
Completion Rig Operations Slick line.
Bottom-hole pressure and temperature surveys (SGS, FGS).
Sand Bailing and swabbing.
Setting & pulling DHMG.
Setting & pulling plugs & Standing valves.
Set and Pull TTP & BPV.
Running & pulling isolation Sleeve.
Running and Pulling Dummy Gun.
Opening and Closing SSD.
Fishing Operations and MPLT.
Preparing a periodic inventory of tools & equipments located in the store and Slickline and wireline workshops.
Formations Acid stimulation.
Kick off wells with nitrogen.
Clean-out with gel & foam, before and after Frac jobs.
Bull heading Fluids.
Supervise different Well Services Operations and Completions Rig operations.
Wellhead maintenance/Well integrity

January 2013-June Repsol Russia (Short term Contract)
Senior Completion and DST Supervisor Engineer for 2 exploration wells in Siberia
Prepare and Supervises DST programs
Equipment and DST tools selection
Contract preparation for Equipments, tools and Services
Prepare and approve Work Order
Budget update and bid evaluation
Supervise the DST operations in Well Site in Russia –Siberia

April 2012-Nov. 2012 Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Dubai-Iraq
Senior Well Completion and Well Workover Engineer/Supervisor
Prepare Well Completion , Well Work over and well interventions Programs
Oil wells are sand producing
Completion are Gravel pack and SAS
Coiled Tubing jobs such as : Well perfs , fraccing and stimulation program preparation and
supervision for Badra field -Iraq
Well test design for 16 wells this include horizontal wells , smart wells
Tender and bid preparation
Equipment selection and order (this include sand control equipment)
Work shop for clients
Rig selection
Well Completion programs execution (Supervisor) – 3 Wells(smart wells DH tools running)
Well test (3 wells)
Well Workover(POOH old completion and RIH New completion ESP) and well Interventions
Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution(Different jobs)
S/L and W/L programme preparation and execution
Well re-entry programs execution 3 Wells including perfs(TCP and wireline), Clean up and
clean out and well
kickoff with N2 (CTU)
Well integrity planning and programmes preparation and execution in the onshore field
Feb 2012-March : Shell Rabi Gabon
Well Services Supervisor:
Supervise Well Interventions and 1 well completion SAS with HWOU intelligent completion
and 1 well test
Slickline/Wireline and Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution
Well integrity programme preparation and execution
Coiled Tubing well stimulation
October 2011 – January 2012 : Dolphin Energy Ltd - Qatar
Snr Well Services Specialist Offshore Qatar(Short Term Contract)
Responsible for Offshore Well Interventions programs preparation and execution in the DOL
1 and DOL 2 gas platforms.
Prepare Well Interventions Programs
Smart completion wells
Well integrity and Wellhead maintenance
Bid evaluation of é well interventions complain ( wire line and slickline 4 bidders
Equipment check and acceptance including function test and certification
Completion Equipment
Fishing equipment
Logging tools(PLT and MPLT)
Task Order
Call Off
Well Interventions Supervisor(slickline and wireline HPHT wells):
Production logging, fishing operations, Slickline
Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
Service tickets check and approval
POB arrangement
Prepare AFE and Budget
Prepare tenders for E-line interventions
After Actions Review (AAR)
Nov.10–Oct.11 : Baker Hughes Basra- Iraq
Completion Superintendent/Company Man
Well Services Supervisor in Zoubair Field Basra Iraq(This include well perforations Both TCP
and Wire Line and Well stimulation, perforation N2 lifting perforation milling clean out and
well test for onshore wells Natural flowing and ESP activated wells Iraq and Oman)
S/L and W/L jobs executions
Well tests programmes preparations and execution in the well site
Well integrity programmes preparation and execution for Zubair onshore field
Wellhead maintenance
Poduction logging programs preparation and supervisor including fishing operations
Supervision a CT well stimulation and well kick of 8 wells.
Prepare completion and work over and well test programmes for 2 work over rigs
RIH completion with Gravel Pack and SAS (8 wells)
Baker completion tools and services recommandations for ENI(DH tools running)
AFE preparations
Snr Completion and Well Integrity Engineer May 2011 Agust 2011 ( 3 Months Oman)
Responsible for well completion well fraccing and well workover engineering and
operations(Gas well including HPHT wells +10,000psi)
HWOU start up
Snubbing units Start up.
Responsible for well integrity (Elaborate company well integrity procedures and manuals)
Well Planning
Prepare AFE and Budget
Participate in Prepare tenders for Snubbing units and well completion equipment.
Prepare well programmes (Completion, Work over and stimulation ) and
Supervise well workover operations and completion and associated jobs such as
CT perforations, CT acidization, CT frac,and well cleanout
Supervise the Coil Tubing job such as :
Start up well, cement squeeze, drill out cement, milling job, fishing and stimulation job (
acidizing and chemical water shut off)
Prepare 2 completion programme with sand control tools
Wellhead maintenance
Prepare tenders for well services operations
Well work over program execution (Supervisor) , this include RIH velocity string in one gas well in ABULTUBUL Gas field onshore Oman
Prepare and excutes well testing programmes
Training of new Omani new graduate engineers
Well Services Supervisor (Work over and Completion, Slickline, Wireline and CTU HWU)
Sep. 2010-Oct. 20 10 Expert Petroleum SRL Romania-Snr Well Completion Engineer (Valuta Field)
Artifitial Lift Method Selection
Prepare Completion program
Prepare AFE
Completion equipment selection and order
Completion Well in Paper
Supervise well completion (Gravel Pack Completion)and DST –One Well
Well tests program preparation

April 09 – September 2010 SEIC/SHELL
Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer
Deputy Descipline Head (Well Engineering and operations) 3 Platforms (Maliqpaq , Lunskoye Extended reach drilled Wells and Piltun responsible for
Completion and work over and well interventions design and supervisions of Horizontal ,
High deviated and Vertical wells both oil and Gas Wells .
Intelligent and Dual completed wells
Completion programme preparation for offshore gas Platform SBBGAW(Super Big Bore Gas Wells HPHT 4500 meters depth with more than 7% H2S contents)
Workover programme preparation for SBBGW
Prepare tenders for
Well completion and associated services and equipments and tools ; this includes:
Long lead items like drilling contractors tubular DH tools for Intelligent and smart completions
Well workover
Well interventions: slickline wireline, stumilations well testing
Budget and AFE preparation
Sand control MQP oil well platform
Equipment selection (this include different sand contrl equipment such as:
- Open and cased hole gravel pack
- Stand alone screen
- Slotted liner
- Expandable screen
- Resin consolidation
Well Completion , well fraccing and well work over programmes preparations and
Supervision with HWOU and Drilling Rigs
Well test programme preparation and supervision for offshore oil and and SBBGW
Well stimulation acidizing and frac job programme and supervise
Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
Well Integrity planning
Well integrity program preparation
Well integrity execution in the platforms
Production loggings(PLT. RST)
Slickline (Fishing, Gaslift valves change out)
CTU well stimulation cleanout water shutoff, well kick off, fishing, etc..
Prepare Budget and AFE and Work Over and Rigless Interventions for the Second
platform(HPHT oil wells)
Supervise well intervention operations and wellhead maintenance this includes:
- Supervision of 27 Well Interventions programs in MQP and Piltun and Lunskoye Platforms
- Supervisions of 2 Workover Programs in MQP oil Platform
- Supervisor for 8 Completion programs in Lunskoye and Piltun Platforms
- Supervise well completion operations of 2 Horizontal wells in Piltun and Lunskoye platforms
CWOP/WOWP/IWOP and AAR and lessons learnt

Sep ’07 – April 2009 Snr. Well Services Engineer SPIE YEMEN
Well services Completion and Workover and Well Test design and supervisor
80% of the wells are ESP activated (New completed and Workoved wells)
Reponsible for 2 snubbing units and 1 Work over rig and 3 completion rigs.
Rigless program intervention preparation and supervision(responsible for 2 coil tubing unit and 2 S/L and wire line units)
Tendering for different services and tools
Bid evaluation of offers for drilling rigs, contractors and equipment.
Consolidation and agreement of the drilling programs
Review of completion and work over proposal
Prepare the tender and evaluate technical and commercial offers for the completion equipment and services.
Detailed well completion and work over and well testing programme including DH tools

Supervision of completion and work over operations including running of DH tools
Reporting of progress vs. budget and operations timing
Prepares AFE for completion and work over.
Specifies completion and work over equipment, materials and services required for each well.
Frac program and equipment selection and program preparation and supervise in wellsite.
Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
Fishing operations programs
Prepare and supervise well fraccing, perforations, production looging interventions Well Perforations TCP and Wireline and Well stimulation and well test programmes
Coiled Tubing well stimulation, cleanout, kick off, cement squeeze and frac
Wellhead design and wellhead maintenace.
Well Integrity planning, Pragrams preparation and execution in the well sites
Well tests programmes preparations and supervision
Daily mentors all completions supervisors and completions technicians
Managing the day and night teams of the S/L , WO Snubbing and drilling Units.
Prepare final well completion and work over reports for each intervention.
Supervisor of RIH of 18 New completions with Woodgroup ESP pumps and POOH and RIH 12 completions with Woodgroup ESP pumps
Well stimulation program preparation and tender evaluation and contract approval
Production Deputy Manager(This include August 2001-October 2001: Business development Manager Demmam KSA as Well logging sales business development)
Lead a Multidiscipline Team which is responsible for all technical activities of all oil and gas concession in Tunisia
Responsible for all technical activities of all oil and gas concession in Tunisia
Tendering and bid evaluation for : Rigs; completions and workover services and tools;
wireline; slickline; coil tubing and well testing
National Production operation both oil and gas onshore and offshore.
This job involves the complete management of drilling and work-over rigs drilling development wells both oil and gas onshore and offshore and completions, workovers, and abandonment.
Prepare and supervise the abandonment of 3 depwater subsea wells ISIS offshore field
Prepare and supervise the completion programmes of 3 deepwater subsea wells of Oudna field

Prepare completion programme for the ERD wells in Cercina(16 shallow water wells), Ras-el Bech (4 Shallow wells), Ashtart(14 wells) and Sabria and in Tarfa fields
Prepare and supervise the well completion programme for DIDON (Deepwater and subsea 7
wells) ERD wells
EBB Shallow gas well completion and workover supervisor 5 wells
Prepare and supervise well completion programme for Sabria 6 H horizontal well (2006 )with 460k HWOU
Supervisor of Horizontal and Dual Completed wells(6 Horizontal wells and more than 15 Dual completed gas and gas condensate and oil wells in Onshore Tunisia)
Well integrity planning
Well integrity programs preparation for the Offshore subsea wells and onshore wells
Execution of well integrity programs for onshore wells and Offshore subsea wells
Gravel pack installation for 8 sand problems wells in Sabria field Tunisia
Prepare completion programme for 2 wells in Offshore Isis Oil Field with sand problem production, this include equipment selection including Gravel pack
Execution of completion programme
Prepare and supervise EL FRANIG Well fraccing jobs in 2007
Gravel and SAS wells (3 wells)
This job also includes ensuring that all required services and equipment are in place and performing their respective jobs. All government and industry regulations and rules are also an integral part of day to day responsibilities. This includes any type of rig-less work involving wire line (electric and slick), stimulations, abandonment, cement jobs, testing of oil or gas wells, sand clean outs, and any other operations normally performed in oil fields experienced.
Supervise coil tubing operations and rigless intervention(perforations, stimulation and logging)
Wellhead maintenance.
Cercina shallow oil field-Well completion from 1994 to 1998 Supervisor -13 wells and work over supervisor 2005 to 2007
Well Integrity
Identifies requirements for well work over prognosis to optimize safe production testing and logging operations.
Prepare and supervise completion programmes for Horizontal and conventional wells both offshore and onshore
Prepare and supervise well completion/Well workover and and well interventions programmes for offshore wells with H2S content offshore Tunisia and with depth of 5000 meters vertical wells and 6200 meters horizontal wells (46 operations)
Prepares cost estimates, including phasing, for well construction, modification and abandonment based on well design concepts to meet subsurface model requirements.
Identifies opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
Intelligent/smart wells completion including DH tools selection and running
Sand control in Makhrouga onshore oil field -1997
Gravel pack selection and SAS order and work over execution for 11 sand problems wells
Supervise the well completion of the first horizontal well in offshore Tunisia-Isis field (1997)
Sand Control ISIS offshore deepwater and subsea oil field
Abandonment program preparation and supervise the operations in the offshore FPSO
Tazarka offshore deepwater and subsea wells (8 wells)
Supervise well test programmes
Prepares design concepts for wells and facilities. This may include:
Identifying types, configuration and total number of wells needed to meet development concept(s).
Workover design and supervisor with HWOU for more than 62 wells and run new completions equipped with ESP pumps REDA Centrelift and Woodgroup.
Simulates and optimizes the fluid flow process in the subsurface systems for each development concept.
Witness production test and production operations in the oil and gas fields
Daily follow up production, drilling, completion, well interventions operations from the office.
Follow up new field’s development
Completion programme and supervision of more than 40 wells per year, this include exploration and development wells.
Workover programmes and supervision of more than 55 wells per year this include sand production wells
Well test programmes preparation for more than 15 wells per annum including DST and Short and Long term tests both onshore and offshore oil and gas wells horizontal smart and conventional completed wells

Jul 90-Oct 93 SITEP Tunisia (ENI/Tunisia JV)-El Borma onshore oil field
Production operations engineer(Well Operations)
Production operations supervisor (6 Months) then change to the drilling dept.
Supervisor of Well Work Over and Well Intervention (ESP activated Wells gas lift and Natural flow wells ) including water wells
Supervise well test, W/L and S/L operations

HAZOP and HAZID studies Training
Reservoir Engineering IFP
Process Engineering IFP
Drilling Engineering IFP
Gas reservoir Engineering OGCI
Project cost estimation and management PROJEX CANADA
Offshore Medical Sertificate
Confined SpaceCertificate
H2S Certificate
T-HUET Certificate
1994 :Tunisian Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference
1996 :Tunisian Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference
1998 :Tunisian Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference
2000 :Tunisian Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference
2000 :OGNA conferences Tunisia North Africa.
2001 :Caspian oil and gas exhibition and conference Baku Azerbaijan
English: Excellent
French : Excellent
Russian: Excellent
Arabic: Excellent


Sergey Geta :
Drilling Cordinator at Repsol Russia
Team Leader Well Integrity/ Technical Center (Operations)
Mobile: + 971(0)501060408
Office: + 971(0)260 48920
ADCO- Abu Dhabi, UAE
P.O. Box: 270
Toufik Maddi
Head of Well Services.
Oman Oil Company Exploration & Production LLC (OOCEP)
P.O. Box 200 | Postal Code 102 | Sultanate of Oman | Tel +96824636334 | FAX:+ 968 24 605 378

Drilling Department Head ETAP Tunisia

John Carmichael
Offshore Operations Manager
Office: +974 44949309
Mobile: +974 55865360
Fax: +974 44949466
Dolphin Energy Ltd
PO Box 22275
Doha, State of Qatar (OR Ras Laffan, State of Qatar)
Mohsen Chaaouri | Drilling Systems Operations Manager
Baker Hughes | Tunisia-Mauritania-Morocco
Office: +216 71 160 727 Fax 216 71 656 005
Mobile: +216 95 99 06 49| | Advancing Reservoir Performance

Mes compétences :
Offshore Oil & Gas
Well Completion
Onshore Oil & Gas
Well Integrity
Hydraulic Fracturing
Wellhead maintenance
Well Intervention
Coiled Tubing
Sand Control
Well integrity planning
Horizontal Wells
Dual Completion Wells
Responsible for the following operations
Oil Field
HPHT Wells
Gravel Packs
Well Services
Smart Wells
Production logging programs preparation
Equipment selection
Drilling Rig
versatile industry experience
stimulation program preparation and supervision
responsible for all technical activities of all oi
onshore development
Wellhead design and
Well test programme preparation and supervision
Well test design
Well logging sales business development
Well integrity programs preparation
Well integrity program preparation
Well Drilling
Supervision of completion and work
Smart well completion design
Sand Bailing
Rig selection
Responsible for well integrity
Responsible for well completion
Project cost estimation
Pragrams prepar


  • ENI - Well Services Supervisor Rigless

    Lyon 2015 - maintenant Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
    offshore fields
    Supervisor of the following Coiled Tubing acid job(2 jobs onshore Cabinda)
    Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
    Offshore field)
    Prepare the Well Test Programs for One onshore oil well and two subsa deepwater offshore
    wells Sonangol operateted fields
    Smart well completion design and DH tools running
  • Sonangol - Senior Well Completion Engineer

    Luanda 2014 - maintenant Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
    offshore fields
    Supervise CT jobs, this include onshore development well frac job and well cleanout
    Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
    Offshore field)
    Prepare the Well Test Programs and completion programmes for subsa deepwater offshore
    wells Sonangol operateted fields, this include smart well completion design and DH tools
  • Sonangol - Snr Completion Engineer

    Luanda 2014 - maintenant Senior Well Completion Engineer Sonangol Luanda Angola
    Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
    offshore fields
    Supervise CT jobs, this include onshore development well frac job and well cleanout
    Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
    Offshore field)
    Prepare the Well Test Programs and completion programmes for subsa deepwater offshore
    wells Sonangol operateted fields, this include smart well completion design and DH tools
  • Sonangol - Senior Well Completion Engineer

    Luanda 2014 - 2014 Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
    offshore fields
    Supervise CT jobs, this include onshore development well frac job and well cleanout
    Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
    Offshore field)
    Prepare the Well Test Programs and completion programmes for subsa deepwater offshore
    wells Sonangol operateted fields, this include smart well completion design and DH tools
  • Zhaikmunai LLP - Continue the Rigless Supervisor & Well Servicing Specialist

    2014 - 2014
  • Zhaikmunai LLP - Continue the Rigless Supervisor & Well Servicing Specialist

    2014 - 2014
  • Sonangol - Senior Well Completion Engineer

    Luanda 2013 - 2014 Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Prepare the completion programs for the Block 3 and Block 5 Subsea and Deepwater
    offshore fields
    Supervisor of the following Coiled Tubing acid job(2 jobs onshore Cabinda)
    Comments the Chevron completion and workover programs (Subsea and Deepwater
    Offshore field)
    Prepare the Well Test Programs for One onshore oil well and two subsa deepwater offshore
    wells Sonangol operateted fields
    Smart well completion design and DH tools running
  • Zhaikmunai LLP - Rigless Supervisor & Well Servicing Specialist

    2013 - 2014 Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Slickline programs preparations and execution(This include PLT, DHPG, Fishings etc)
    Wireline programs preparations and execution(This include Production Logging in Horizontal
    and High deviated and vertical oil and Gas Wells, Perforations(TCP and W/L, Fishings etc..)
    Coil Tubing programs preparations and execution(This Well, Stimulation, Well Clean
    out/clean up, Well Kick Off, Acid
    Well Test programme design and supervision
    Wash, Water Shutoff, Fishings, etc..)
    Intelligent completion
    Horizontal, high deviated and vertical wells
    Well completion and well Workover programs preparation and execution (Gas Condensate
    Wells, Horizontal, High deviated and Vertical Well HPHT wells)
    Well integrity
    Well test
    Supervise of S/L crew operating ASEP and ELMAR Slickline units using 0.108'', and
    0.125'' wire.
    Drift & HUD, Tubing and Depth control.
    Change Gas-lift valves & dummies and calculate hydrostatic pressures to equalize.
    Running-Pulling WRSSSV and TRSSSV different Baker and Halliburton Models.
    Completion Rig Operations Slick line.
    Bottom-hole pressure and temperature surveys (SGS, FGS).
    Sand Bailing and swabbing.
    Setting & pulling DHMG.
    Setting & pulling plugs & Standing valves.
    Set and Pull TTP & BPV.
    Running & pulling isolation Sleeve.
    Running and Pulling Dummy Gun.
    Opening and Closing SSD.
    Fishing Operations and MPLT.
    Preparing a periodic inventory of tools & equipments located in the store and Slickline and wireline workshops.
    Formations Acid stimulation.
    Kick off wells with nitrogen.
    Clean-out with gel & foam, before and after Frac jobs.
    Bull heading Fluids.
    Supervise different Well Services Operations and Completions Rig operations.
    Wellhead maintenance/Well integrity ,
  • Zhaikmunai LLP - Rigless Supervisor & Well Servicing Specialist

    2013 - 2014 Responsible for the following operations of Gas condensate wells, Oil Wells some of the
    wells are Dual Completion Wells.
    Slickline programs preparations and execution(This include PLT, DHPG, Fishings etc)
    Wireline programs preparations and execution(This include Production Logging in Horizontal
    and High deviated and vertical oil and Gas Wells, Perforations(TCP and W/L, Fishings etc..)
    Coil Tubing programs preparations and execution(This Well, Stimulation, Well Clean
    out/clean up, Well Kick Off, Acid
    Well Test programme design and supervision
    Wash, Water Shutoff, Fishings, etc..)
    Intelligent completion
    Horizontal, high deviated and vertical wells
    Well completion and well Workover programs preparation and execution (Gas Condensate
    Wells, Horizontal, High deviated and Vertical Well HPHT wells)
    Well integrity
    Well test
    Supervise of S/L crew operating ASEP and ELMAR Slickline units using 0.108'', and
    0.125'' wire.
    Drift & HUD, Tubing and Depth control.
    Change Gas-lift valves & dummies and calculate hydrostatic pressures to equalize.
    Running-Pulling WRSSSV and TRSSSV different Baker and Halliburton Models.
    Completion Rig Operations Slick line.
    Bottom-hole pressure and temperature surveys (SGS, FGS).
    Sand Bailing and swabbing.
    Setting & pulling DHMG.
    Setting & pulling plugs & Standing valves.
    Set and Pull TTP & BPV.
    Running & pulling isolation Sleeve.
    Running and Pulling Dummy Gun.
    Opening and Closing SSD.
    Fishing Operations and MPLT.
    Preparing a periodic inventory of tools & equipments located in the store and Slickline and wireline workshops.
    Formations Acid stimulation.
    Kick off wells with nitrogen.
    Clean-out with gel & foam, before and after Frac jobs.
    Bull heading Fluids.
    Supervise different Well Services Operations and Completions Rig operations.
    Wellhead maintenance/Well integrity ,
  • June Repsol - Senior Completion and DST Supervisor Engineer

    2013 - 2013 Senior Completion and DST Supervisor Engineer for 2 exploration wells in Siberia
    Prepare and Supervises DST programs
    Equipment and DST tools selection
    Contract preparation for Equipments, tools and Services
    Prepare and approve Work Order
    Budget update and bid evaluation
    Supervise the DST operations in Well Site in Russia -Siberia
  • June Repsol - Senior Completion and DST Supervisor Engineer

    2013 - 2013 Senior Completion and DST Supervisor Engineer for 2 exploration wells in Siberia
    Prepare and Supervises DST programs
    Equipment and DST tools selection
    Contract preparation for Equipments, tools and Services
    Prepare and approve Work Order
    Budget update and bid evaluation
    Supervise the DST operations in Well Site in Russia -Siberia
  • Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Dubai - Well Workover Engineer & Supervisor

    2012 - 2012 Prepare Well Completion , Well Work over and well interventions Programs
    Oil wells are sand producing
    Completion are Gravel pack and SAS
    Coiled Tubing jobs such as : Well perfs , fraccing and stimulation program preparation and
    supervision for Badra field -Iraq
    Well test design for 16 wells this include horizontal wells , smart wells
    Tender and bid preparation
    Equipment selection and order (this include sand control equipment)
    Work shop for clients
    Rig selection
    Well Completion programs execution (Supervisor) - 3 Wells(smart wells DH tools running)
    Well test (3 wells)
    Well Workover(POOH old completion and RIH New completion ESP) and well Interventions
    Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution(Different jobs)
    S/L and W/L programme preparation and execution
    Well re-entry programs execution 3 Wells including perfs(TCP and wireline), Clean up and
    clean out and well
    kickoff with N2 (CTU)
    Well integrity planning and programmes preparation and execution in the onshore field
  • Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Dubai - Well Workover Engineer & Supervisor

    2012 - 2012 Prepare Well Completion (12 completion programmes) , Well Work over and well
    interventions Programs
    Oil wells are sand producing
    Completion are Gravel pack and SAS
    Coiled Tubing jobs such as : Well perfs and stimulation program preparation and
    supervision for Mejnoon field and ROO and Badra fields South Iraq
    Well test design for 16 wells this include horizontal wells , smart wells
    Tender and bid preparation
    Equipment selection and order (this include sand control equipment)
    Work shop for clients
    Rig selection
    Well Completion programs execution (Supervisor) - 3 Wells(smart wells DH tools running)
    Well test (3 wells)
    Well Workover(POOH old completion and RIH New completion ESP) and well Interventions
    Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution(Different jobs)
    S/L and W/L programme preparation and execution for different South and North Iraq fields.
    Well re-entry programs execution 3 Wells including perfs(TCP and wireline), Clean up and
    clean out and well
    kickoff with N2 (CTU)
    Well integrity planning and programmes preparation and execution in the onshore field
  • E&P - Well Services Supervisor

    2012 - 2012 Supervise Well Interventions and 1 well completion SAS with HWOU intelligent completion
    and 1 well test
    Slickline/Wireline and Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution
    Well integrity programme preparation and execution
    Coiled Tubing well stimulation ,
  • Consultant - Well Services Supervisor

    2012 - 2012 Supervise Well Interventions and 1 well completion SAS with HWOU intelligent completion
    and 1 well test
    Slickline/Wireline and Coiled Tubing programme preparation and execution
    Well integrity programme preparation and execution
    Coiled Tubing well stimulation ,
  • Dolphin Energy Ltd - Snr Well Services Specialist

    2011 - 2012 Snr Well Services Specialist Offshore Qatar(Short Term Contract)
    Responsible for Offshore Well Interventions programs preparation and execution in the DOL
    1 and DOL 2 gas platforms.
    Prepare Well Interventions Programs
    Smart completion wells
    Well integrity and Wellhead maintenance
    Bid evaluation of é well interventions complain ( wire line and slickline 4 bidders
    Equipment check and acceptance including function test and certification
    Completion Equipment
    Fishing equipment
    Logging tools(PLT and MPLT)
    Task Order
    Call Off
    Well Interventions Supervisor(slickline and wireline HPHT wells):
    Production logging, fishing operations, Slickline
    Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
    Service tickets check and approval
    POB arrangement
    Prepare AFE and Budget
    Prepare tenders for E-line interventions
    After Actions Review (AAR)
  • Dolphin Energy Ltd - Snr Well Services Specialist

    2011 - 2012 Snr Well Services Specialist Offshore Qatar(Short Term Contract)
    Responsible for Offshore Well Interventions programs preparation and execution in the DOL
    1 and DOL 2 gas platforms.(Sour Gas wells)
    Prepare Well Interventions Programs
    Smart completion wells
    Well integrity and Wellhead maintenance
    Bid evaluation of é well interventions complain ( wire line and slickline 4 bidders
    Equipment check and acceptance including function test and certification
    Completion Equipment
    Fishing equipment
    Logging tools(PLT and MPLT)
    Task Order
    Call Off
    Well Interventions Supervisor(slickline and wireline HPHT wells):
    Production logging, fishing operations, Slickline
    Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
    Service tickets check and approval
    POB arrangement
    Prepare AFE and Budget
    Prepare tenders for E-line interventions
    After Actions Review (AAR)
  • Baker Hughes - Completion Superintendent

    LONS 2010 - 2011 Well Services Supervisor in Zoubair Field Basra Iraq(This include well perforations Both TCP
    and Wire Line and Well stimulation, perforation N2 lifting perforation milling clean out and
    well test for onshore wells Natural flowing and ESP activated wells Iraq and Oman)
    S/L and W/L jobs executions
    Well tests programmes preparations and execution in the well site
    Well integrity programmes preparation and execution for Zubair onshore field
    Wellhead maintenance
    Poduction logging programs preparation and supervisor including fishing operations
    Supervision a CT well stimulation and well kick of 8 wells.
    Prepare completion and work over and well test programmes for 2 work over rigs
    RIH completion with Gravel Pack and SAS (8 wells)
    Baker completion tools and services recommandations for ENI(DH tools running)
    AFE preparations
    Snr Completion and Well Integrity Engineer May 2011 Agust 2011 ( 3 Months Oman)
    Responsible for well completion well fraccing and well workover engineering and
    operations(Gas well including HPHT wells +10,000psi)
    HWOU start up
    Snubbing units Start up.
    Responsible for well integrity (Elaborate company well integrity procedures and manuals)
    Well Planning
    Prepare AFE and Budget
    Participate in Prepare tenders for Snubbing units and well completion equipment.
    Prepare well programmes (Completion, Work over and stimulation ) and
    Supervise well workover operations and completion and associated jobs such as
    CT perforations, CT acidization, CT frac,and well cleanout
    Supervise the Coil Tubing job such as :
    Start up well, cement squeeze, drill out cement, milling job, fishing and stimulation job (
    acidizing and chemical water shut off)
    Prepare 2 completion programme with sand control tools
    Wellhead maintenance
    Prepare tenders for well services operations
    Well work over program execution (Supervisor) , this include RIH velocity string in one gas well in ABULTUBUL Gas field onshore Oman
    Prepare and excutes well testing programmes
    Training of new Omani new graduate engineers
    Well Services Supervisor (Work over and Completion, Slickline, Wireline and CTU HWU)
  • Baker Hughes - Completion Superintendent

    LONS 2010 - 2011 Well Services Supervisor in Zoubair Field Basra Iraq(This include well perforations Both TCP
    and Wire Line and Well stimulation, perforation N2 lifting perforation milling clean out and
    well test for onshore wells Natural flowing and ESP activated wells Iraq and Oman)
    S/L and W/L jobs executions
    Well tests programmes preparations and execution in the well site
    Well integrity programmes preparation and execution for Zubair onshore field
    Wellhead maintenance
    Poduction logging programs preparation and supervisor including fishing operations
    Supervision a CT well stimulation and well kick of 8 wells.
    Prepare completion and work over and well test programmes for 2 work over rigs
    RIH completion with Gravel Pack and SAS (8 wells)
    Baker completion tools and services recommandations for ENI(DH tools running)
    AFE preparations
    Snr Completion and Well Integrity Engineer May 2011 Agust 2011 ( 3 Months Oman)
    Responsible for well completion well fraccing and well workover engineering and
    operations(Gas well including HPHT wells +10,000psi)
    HWOU start up
    Snubbing units Start up.
    Responsible for well integrity (Elaborate company well integrity procedures and manuals)
    Well Planning
    Prepare AFE and Budget
    Participate in Prepare tenders for Snubbing units and well completion equipment.
    Prepare well programmes (Completion, Work over and stimulation ) and
    Supervise well workover operations and completion and associated jobs such as
    CT perforations, CT acidization, CT frac,and well cleanout
    Supervise the Coil Tubing job such as :
    Start up well, cement squeeze, drill out cement, milling job, fishing and stimulation job (
    acidizing and chemical water shut off)
    Prepare 2 completion programme with sand control tools
    Wellhead maintenance
    Prepare tenders for well services operations
    Well work over program execution (Supervisor) , this include RIH velocity string in one gas well in ABULTUBUL Gas field onshore Oman
    Prepare and excutes well testing programmes
    Training of new Omani new graduate engineers
    Well Services Supervisor (Work over and Completion, Slickline, Wireline and CTU HWU)
  • Expert Petroleum SRL - Romania-Snr Well Completion Engineer

    2010 - maintenant HPHT Well
    Artifitial Lift Method Selection
    Prepare Completion program
    Prepare AFE
    Completion equipment selection and order
    Completion Well in Paper
    Supervise well completion (Gravel Pack Completion)and DST -One Well
    Well tests program preparation
  • Expert Petroleum SRL - Romania-Snr Well Completion Engineer

    2010 - maintenant HPHT Well
    Artifitial Lift Method Selection
    Prepare Completion program
    Prepare AFE
    Completion equipment selection and order
    Completion Well in Paper
    Supervise well completion (Gravel Pack Completion)and DST -One Well
    Well tests program preparation
  • SHELL - Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer & Deputy Descipline Head

    2009 - 2010 AAR


    Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer
    Deputy Descipline Head (Well Engineering and operations) 3 Platforms (Maliqpaq , Lunskoye Extended reach drilled Wells and Piltun responsible for
    Completion and work over and well interventions design and supervisions of Horizontal
    High deviated and Vertical wells both oil and Gas Wells .
    Intelligent and Dual completed wells
    Completion programme preparation for offshore gas Platform SBBGAW(Super Big Bore Gas Wells HPHT 4500 meters depth with more than 7% H2S contents)
    Workover programme preparation for SBBGW
    Prepare tenders for
    Well completion and associated services and equipments and tools ; this includes:
    Long lead items like drilling contractors tubular DH tools for Intelligent and smart completions
    Well workover
    Well interventions: slickline wireline, stumilations well testing
    Budget and AFE preparation
    Sand control MQP oil well platform
    Equipment selection (this include different sand contrl equipment such as:
    - Open and cased hole gravel pack
    - Stand alone screen ;
    - Slotted liner
    - Expandable screen
    - Resin consolidation
    Well Completion , well fraccing and well work over programmes preparations and
    Supervision with HWOU and Drilling Rigs
    Well test programme preparation and supervision for offshore oil and and SBBGW
    Well stimulation acidizing and frac job programme and supervise
    Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
    Well Integrity planning
    Well integrity program preparation
    Well integrity execution in the platforms
    Production loggings(PLT. RST)
    Slickline (Fishing, Gaslift valves change out)
    CTU well stimulation cleanout water shutoff, well kick off, fishing, etc..
    Prepare Budget and AFE and Work Over and Rigless Interventions for the Second
    platform(HPHT oil wells)
    Supervise well intervention operations and wellhead maintenance this includes:
    - Supervision of 27 Well Interventions programs in MQP and Piltun and Lunskoye Platforms
    - Supervisions of 2 Workover Programs in MQP oil Platform
    - Supervisor for 8 Completion programs in Lunskoye and Piltun Platforms
    - Supervise well completion operations of 2 Horizontal wells in Piltun and Lunskoye platforms
    CWOP/WOWP/IWOP and AAR and lessons learnt
  • SHELL - Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer & Deputy Descipline Head

    2009 - 2010 AAR

    Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer
    Deputy Descipline Head (Well Engineering and operations) 3 Platforms (Maliqpaq , Lunskoye and Piltun ( The platforms are Sour gas wells and oil wells with very high H2S contents) responsible for
    Completion and work over and well interventions design and supervisions of Horizontal
    High deviated and Vertical wells both oil and Gas Wells .
    Intelligent and Dual completed wells
    Completion programme preparation for offshore gas Platform SBBGAW(Super Big Bore Gas Wells HPHT 4500 meters depth with more than 7% H2S contents)
    Workover programme preparation for SBBGW
    Prepare tenders for
    Well completion and associated services and equipments and tools ; this includes:
    Long lead items like drilling contractors tubular DH tools for Intelligent and smart completions
    Well workover
    Well interventions: slickline wireline, stumilations well testing
    Budget and AFE preparation
    Sand control MQP oil well platform
    Equipment selection (this include different sand contrl equipment such as:
    - Open and cased hole gravel pack
    - Stand alone screen ;
    - Slotted liner
    - Expandable screen
    - Resin consolidation
    Well Completion , well fraccing and well work over programmes preparations and
    Supervision with HWOU and Drilling Rigs
    Well test programme preparation and supervision for offshore oil and and SBBGW
    Well stimulation acidizing and frac job programme and supervise
    Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
    Well Integrity planning
    Well integrity program preparation
    Well integrity execution in the platforms
    Production loggings(PLT. RST)
    Slickline (Fishing, Gaslift valves change out)
    CTU well stimulation cleanout water shutoff, well kick off, fishing, etc..
    Prepare Budget and AFE and Work Over and Rigless Interventions for the Second
    platform(HPHT oil wells)
    Supervise well intervention operations and wellhead maintenance this includes:
    - Supervision of 27 Well Interventions programs in MQP and Piltun and Lunskoye Platforms
    - Supervisions of 2 Workover Programs in MQP oil Platform
    - Supervisor for 8 Completion programs in Lunskoye and Piltun Platforms
    - Supervise well completion operations of 2 Horizontal wells in Piltun and Lunskoye platforms
    CWOP/WOWP/IWOP and AAR and lessons learnt
  • CONSULTANT WELL SERVICES - Senior Completion and Well Interventions Engineer

    2009 - 2010 I am petroleum engineer and worked for different EP companies in different regions in the World both Onshore and Offshore,
    More than 23 years versatile industry experience in the production operations and production engineering and well completion engineering and operations, rig/rigless workover, well testing, DSTs..
    Have worked with Repsol Russia, Shell Gabon, Baker Hughes Iraq, Dolphin Energy Offshore Qatar, Halliburton Iraq , TOTAL SEIC Offshore Russia , OOCEP Oman and others EP companies in different location in the world.
    More then 13 years in Tunisia as production operations Engineer in different oil and gas fields in Tunisia responsible for production operations , production engineering , well drilling, well completion , well workover and well interventions of all oil and gas fields in Tunisia.
  • SPIE - Snr. Well Services Engineer

    Cergy 2007 - 2009 Well services Completion and Workover and Well Test design and supervisor
    80% of the wells are ESP activated (New completed and Workoved wells)
    Reponsible for 2 snubbing units and 1 Work over rig and 3 completion rigs.
    Rigless program intervention preparation and supervision(responsible for 2 coil tubing unit and 2 S/L and wire line units)
    Tendering for different services and tools
    Bid evaluation of offers for drilling rigs, contractors and equipment.
    Consolidation and agreement of the drilling programs
    Review of completion and work over proposal
    Prepare the tender and evaluate technical and commercial offers for the completion equipment and services.
    Detailed well completion and work over and well testing programme including DH tools
  • SPIE - Snr. Well Services Engineer

    Cergy 2007 - 2009 Well services Completion and Workover and Well Test design and supervisor
    80% of the wells are ESP activated (New completed and Workoved wells)
    Reponsible for 2 snubbing units and 1 Work over rig and 3 completion rigs.
    Rigless program intervention preparation and supervision(responsible for 2 coil tubing unit and 2 S/L and wire line units)
    Tendering for different services and tools
    Bid evaluation of offers for drilling rigs, contractors and equipment.
    Consolidation and agreement of the drilling programs
    Review of completion and work over proposal
    Prepare the tender and evaluate technical and commercial offers for the completion equipment and services.
    Detailed well completion and work over and well testing programme including DH tools
    Selection for gas wells , sour gas wells and oil wells with high H2S contents
    Supervision of completion and work over operations including running of DH tools
    Reporting of progress vs. budget and operations timing
    Prepares AFE for completion and work over.
    Specifies completion and work over equipment, materials and services required for each well.
    Frac program and equipment selection and program preparation and supervise in wellsite.
    Production logging programs preparation and supervisor
    Fishing operations programs
    Prepare and supervise well fraccing, perforations, production looging interventions Well Perforations TCP and Wireline and Well stimulation and well test programmes
    Coiled Tubing well stimulation, cleanout, kick off, cement squeeze and frac
    Wellhead design and wellhead maintenace.
    Well Integrity planning, Pragrams preparation and execution in the well sites
    Well tests programmes preparations and supervision
    Daily mentors all completions supervisors and completions technicians
    Managing the day and night teams of the S/L , WO Snubbing and drilling Units.
    Prepare final well completion and work over reports for each intervention.
    Supervisor of RIH of 18 New completions with Woodgroup ESP pumps and POOH and RIH 12 completions with Woodgroup ESP pumps
    Well stimulation program preparation and tender evaluation and contract approval
    EOWR ,
  • e&p - Supervisor

    2005 - 2007 Cercina shallow oil field-Well completion from 1994 to 1998 Supervisor -13 wells and work over supervisor
    Well Integrity
    Identifies requirements for well work over prognosis to optimize safe production testing and logging operations.
    Prepare and supervise completion programmes for Horizontal and conventional wells both offshore and onshore
    Prepare and supervise well completion/Well workover and and well interventions programmes for offshore wells with H2S content offshore Tunisia and with depth of 5000 meters vertical wells and 6200 meters horizontal wells (46 operations)
    Prepares cost estimates, including phasing, for well construction, modification and abandonment based on well design concepts to meet subsurface model requirements.
    Identifies opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
    Intelligent/smart wells completion including DH tools selection and running
  • Consultant - Supervisor

    2005 - 2007 Cercina shallow oil field-Well completion from 1994 to 1998 Supervisor -13 wells and work over supervisor
    Well Integrity
    Identifies requirements for well work over prognosis to optimize safe production testing and logging operations.
    Prepare and supervise completion programmes for Horizontal and conventional wells both offshore and onshore
    Prepare and supervise well completion/Well workover and and well interventions programmes for offshore wells with H2S content offshore Tunisia and with depth of 5000 meters vertical wells and 6200 meters horizontal wells (46 operations)
    Prepares cost estimates, including phasing, for well construction, modification and abandonment based on well design concepts to meet subsurface model requirements.
    Identifies opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
    Intelligent/smart wells completion including DH tools selection and running
  • GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF ENERGY - Production Deputy Manager

    1993 - 2007
  • GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF ENERGY - Production Deputy Manager

    1993 - 2007
  • SITEP - Oil field Production operations engineer & Production operations supervisor

    1990 - 1993 JV)-El Borma onshore Production operations supervisor (6 Months) then change to the drilling dept.
    Supervisor of Well Work Over and Well Intervention (ESP activated Wells gas lift and Natural flow wells ) including water wells
    Supervise well test, W/L and S/L operations

    HAZOP and HAZID studies Training ,
  • SITEP - Oil field Production operations engineer & Production operations supervisor

    1990 - 1993 JV)-El Borma onshore Production operations supervisor (6 Months) then change to the drilling dept.
    Supervisor of Well Work Over and Well Intervention (ESP activated Wells gas lift and Natural flow wells ) including water wells
    Supervise well test, W/L and S/L operations

    Offshore Medical Sertificate ,
  • CONSULTANT - Well services Eng/Supervisor

    1990 - maintenant


  • SAS Wells (Tunis)

    Tunis 2006 - 2007 Prepare and supervise EL FRANIG Well fraccing jobs in
    This job also includes ensuring that all required services and equipment are in place and performing their respective jobs. All government and industry regulations and rules are also an integral part of day to day responsibilities. This includes any type of rig-less work involving wire line (electric and slick), stimulations, abandonment, c
  • CE3P (Africa)

    Africa 2005 - 2007 Prepare and supervise EL FRANIG Well fraccing jobs in
    This job also includes ensuring that all required services and equipment are in place and performing their respective jobs. All government and industry regulations and rules are also an integral part of day to day responsibilities. This includes any type of rig-less work involving wire line (electric and slick), stimulations, abandonment, c
  • IWCF (Tunis)

    Tunis 1990 - 1990 T-HUET Certificate

  • Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (Tunis)

    Tunis 1984 - 1990 Master of Science
  • Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (Baku)

    Baku 1984 - 1990 Master of Science


Annuaire des membres :