
Ringo BONO


En résumé

I started in IT Services, as System Engineer I performed migration, integration and upgrade projects for many different clients, then taking business responsibilities as Service Delivery Manager. Working for client success, motivate my team colleagues and having business success is what makes me happy in my job. I am interested about the next thing to come and in IT there is always one.

Mes compétences :
Gestion IT
Gestion d'équipe


  • IBM - Service Manager

    Bois-Colombes 2008 - maintenant I am now leading IT infrastructure specialists who are delivering client projects, mainly based on our IBM Power products, IBM Storage solutions and Network Services. We are often approached to give consultative advices on new IT solutions, like OpenStack, Virtualization, Security, High Performance Computing, Networking Design and having the chance to work with all these different teams makes this position very dynamic, demanding and provide a big satisfaction. I am also responsible for Managed Services and finally responsible for the delivery of our Data Center (Backup & Continuity Services) located in Geneva.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :