Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Autonome et responsable
Langage C/C++
Système embarqué
Réseau CAN
- Embedded software engineer
Biberach an der Riss2016 - maintenantDevelopment of a system handling the interface between a Liebherr machine (CAN Bauma protocol) and a Fiat Powertrain engine (CAN J1939 protocol).
Robert Bosch Gmbh
- Embedded software engineer
2013 - 2016#Responsible of the BSW network platform component for the ESP 9.3 generation
- Supervision of platform integration into customer specific projects
- Technical Project Manager of a 5-member team of software engineers - project follow-up, management, reporting, invoicing
- Lead of a test team from India
- Change request management - ALM, CSCRM
- Functional specification of the components - DOORS
- Design of solutions and functionalities - Enterprise Architect
- Feature development - Signal monitoring, CAN, CAN-FD, Flexray, XCP
- Debugging and bug fixing
- CAN network monitoring and A2L building - CANalyzer, CANape
- AUTOSAR component configuration - SharCC, AEEE
- Unitary tests development - Cantata++
- Software quality improvement - QAC MISRA
#AUTOSAR BSW ICU component development
- Renesas V850/Fx4 series documentation analyze
- Functional specification - DOORS
- Development of the driver
- Debug and bug fixing - Multi
- Unitary tests - RTRT
- Code quality improvement - QAC MISRA
#AUTOSAR BSW SPI component development
- Freescale MPC56xx MPC55xx series documentation analyze
- Functional specification - DOORS
- Development of the driver
- Debug and bug fixing - Trace32
- Unitary tests - RTRT
- Code quality improvement - C-Checker, RTRT Code Coverage
#BSW embedded integration tests development
- Requirement analyze
- Test specification
- Embedded C tests implementation
- Test environment Perl script development
Paris2012 - 2013#Software Development Leader on the development of a bidirectional headlights system for the latest Jeep Crossover.
- Project management: planning definition, workload estimation
- Software requirement specification
- C Development of lower and higher layers (BSW - ASW)
-- Sensor data acquisition
-- Failure management
-- Motor control, driver communication - SBC, SPI, Allegro driver
-- Customer oriented application development
-- CAN layers and bootloader configuration and generation - Geny Vector
-- Diag on CAN UDS request development
-- LIN layers configuration and generation
- Weekly meetings with customer
Strasbourg2009 - 2011Master Mécatronique et Energie
- Programmation langage C embarqué
- Développement embarqué en VHDL sur cible FPGA
- Programmation langage PHP, HTML
- Base de donnée SQL et langage mySQL
- GRAFCET - Step7
- Labview
- Asservissement de moteurs et simulation dynamique - Matlab / Simulink / Maple
- Etude de système de gestion d'énergie renouvelable