Neuilly-sur-Seine2005 - 2007I joined PwC in 2005 as an assistant auditor. During two years I worked on clients such as Randstad, Sony and Carpenter, assisting in performing the financial audit. Since 2007, I have become a senior auditor/ executive. My main client for which I will now be responsible is Randstad.
Universiteit Antwerpen (Ex-UFSIA) (Anvers)
Anvers2007 - 2008Masterclass Forensic Auditing
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Gas Accountancy and revisoraat (audit) (Leuven)
Leuven2006 - 2007Postgraduate Certificate in Management
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Gas Accountancy and revisoraat (audit) (Leuven)
Leuven2004 - 2005Master Accountancy and Revisoraat
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven)
Leuven1998 - 2004Roman languages (French, Spanish and Portuguese)
The certificate of "licentiaat Romaanse talen equals a current Master's degree.