I'm Ravonirina Rojo Tahina ,I live in the village of father Pedro, I did my primary and secondary school in the father Pedro'school and after my BACC I continued my studies in the University of Antananarivo in the department of the foreigners' language (The unity of study and searching Russian Language) there I won my Universitary Diploma of Literary Studies in 2014 and my LICENSE in 2015. And since 2013 until 2015 I studied too in G.S.I University,I did like file the B.T. P (house building) where I unhook my DTS grade. I've worked like work's driver in the enterprise of construction Tovo Ankadindramamy on 2015-2017 in Mangoraka project, work volontary in the orphanage at Ivato Antananarivo since 2015 and in the Casa Familia Ampahibe. Now I work as community manager in PASSION4HUMANITY.