Dear Visitor,
Welcome to my profil, I hope you will enjoy the visit.
> > > ------:: > I am available to offer my services for new challenges in Krakow. Do not hesitate to drop me an email to ask how I can help you !
Not easy to speak about ourself, but I will write these few words.
I am Romain, I love interaction between people.
I come from web communication studies and I developped my skills in the outsourcing area, especially in the Customer Services business. I get involved in providing a high level of customer care, always focusing on being friendly, honest and real. I developped as well team management skills, which I enjoyed so much!
I am a hard-worker, fast learner and focused on details to provide high quality of services/products. I put the user in the center of everything, should this "user" be a client, a team member...
I am also passionated by architecture, digital arts, web applications and everything related to communication and marketing.
Mes compétences :
Web développeur
Graphic designer
Web designer
Service client
Management opérationnel
Team building
Gestion d'équipe