

Paris La Défense

En résumé

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  • Comexposium - International sales manager

    Paris La Défense 2012 - maintenant EQUIP AUTO PARIS 2013 - 2015 : The international and biannual exhibition of After sales equipments for all vehicles. 1800 Exhibitors - 75% from abroad - around 50 Countries

    In charge of team of 7 international agents, and responsible for leading the development of the vehicle equipment and Trade & Sourcing sectors on the exhibition EQUIP AUTO PARIS and EQUIP AUTO ALGERIA.

    Also in charge of the international development of EQUIP AUTO and ALL4PACK brands in INDIA and MENA region (Middle East and Northern Africa)

    • Sales & Negotiations (phoning, meetings, mailings, social Medias...)
    • Management of a portfolio of 70 accounts valued at 1.5M€ for the 1st year.
    • Management of a portfolio of 200 accounts valued at 3.5M€ for the 2nd and 3rd year.
    • Operational management of international agents (7 person)
    • Conducting monthly sales conference call with sales team.
    • Development and management of international pavilions (China, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Spain, Morocco, Korea...)
    • Monthly’s international business travels: Algeria, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Turkey, U.A.E

    3rd Year: Sales target: 3.3M€ Sales achieved Q1 + Q2: 2M€
    2nd year: Sales target: 1M€ Sales Achieved: 1.8 M€
    1st year: Sales target: 900 000€ Sales Achieved: 1.5M€
  • L' indochineur - Business Developper

    2011 - 2011 In charge of the development of the turnover in the US market through international exhibitions and business-to-business selling.

    • Business development US Market
    • In charge of Spanish clients - Customer support
    • Reporting - Follow-up margin and profit
    • Management and development of a portfolio of 35 international accounts.
    • Supported sales – provide the sales organization with presentation materials, videos etc.
    • Attend to international trade shows: Maison & objet - 1ere Class

    Jan 2011 – Jan 2012
    Sales target: 8 000 € - Sales achieved: 45 000 €
    Increase from 2% of global turnover to 11%
  • VEDRENNES PAGES - Business developper Junior

    2009 - 2010 In charge of bringing new opportunities for French wines & liquors companies in the south of Vietnam.

    • 9 month business forecasting/results
    • Responsible for P&L reports
    • In charge of sales forecast and sales report.
    • 1 month territory selling in Hô Chi Minh City through distributors: TAN KHOA, THIEN MINH CO, VIVE GROUP…
  • BP - Business Analyst

    Cergy 2008 - 2010 Gestion comptabilité fournisseur
    Forecast Hedging


  • ESGCI (Paris)

    Paris 2010 - 2012 MBA Commerce Exterieur

    Pontoise 2008 - 2010 Master 1 Contrôle de Gestion


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