
Roumaissa ATAILIA


En résumé

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  • Schlumberger - Real Time Operations support engineer

    Paris 2014 - maintenant - Ensure the reception of Surface data (Mud Logging) and downhole data (MWD/LWD).
    - Monitoring 7 wells (5 Online & 2 Offline), monitor all relevant drilling parameters (surface and downhole data) to identify & communicate any significant events.
    - Supporting well-construction operations in Real-time from Remote Operations Center (ROC).
    - Using Perform ToolKit (PTK) software and InterACT for Monitoring the wellbore stability and hydraulic optimization by running Torque&Drag and Hydraulics in real time.
    - Prepare the Tripping Speed and Connection time KPI using Drilling Operation Statistics on PTK.
    - Prepare Case Study and Analysis for major drilling events detected in the ROC.
    - Prepare necessary documents for the Daily Morning Meeting and Generate daily reports, logs and End of Well Reports and submitting them to the client.
  • Schlumberger - Mud logging analyst

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Cuttings recovery, sampling and geological evaluation. Core recovery and analysis. Sensor maintenance and inspections. Gas control and detection system installation. Monitoring drilling parameters. Creation of the formation evaluation logs.


  • Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (Ouargla)

    Ouargla 2008 - 2011


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