


En résumé

Né le 09/12/81 à L'ILE MAurice de père et de mère mauriciens.
J'ai quitté l'Ile Mauirce à l'âge de 4 ans, et apres avoir vécu en Angleterre, au Zaire et en Cote-d'ivoire, j'y suis retourné à l'âge de 13 ans pour y finir ma scolarité.
Je suis ensuite parti faire mes études en France, travaillé aux Etats-Unis, travaillé un an à Londres pour finalement rentrer a Maurice debut 2007 pour y commancer ma carrière.

Mes compétences :
Supply chain


  • Panagora Marketing Ltd - Logistic project Coordinator

  • PANAGORA MARKETING LTD - Logistic Coordinator

    2007 - maintenant Feb 07 to date
    PANAGORA MARKETING LTD_Mauritius: (Leading foodstuffs Distributors)
    Logistic Project Coordinator
     Development, implementation and follow-up of various projects in the logistics field involving the physical infrastructure, information and computing, and human resources
     Main interface with the software providers and implementation of a Warehouse Management System in the company's various warehouses
     Provision of technical support to the Store Managers for the physical lay-out of the warehouses to ensure the smooth running of the operations and optimum stock levels and flow of goods
     Supervision of all Store Managers for warehouses organisation and quarterly stock-taking
     Co-ordination between the Sales/Marketing division and the Logistics division to ensure the constraints and needs of both divisions are met
     Participation in elaboration of budgets and cost control

    Mars 06 - Dec 06
    Assistant Manager
     Managing stocks, orders, and cash
     Supervision and training of employees

    Sept 05 - Jan 06
    PANAGORA MARKETING LTD_Mauritius: (Leading foodstuffs Distributors)
    5 months work placement seconded to the Logistics Director
     Development of a study for the creation of a centralised Logistic platform :
    • Schematisation and analysis of physical flows, financial and other information
    • Rightsizing of the area needed and recommending ideal localisation for the Platform
    • Proposal of assumptions for the operation of the warehouse
    • Development of the logistics specifications

    Feb 05 - Aug 05
    ESSO: French subsidiary of the multinational petroleum company ExxonMobil (Paris)
    6 months work placement in the Distribution Division (managing Plants)
     Development of a study on the need to change the supply mode on a Depot (from train to pipeline): Economic Study, investment plan, and feasibility study on the supply constraints
     White petroleum product Operator: responsible for the execution of trading deals (Contracts, chartering vessels, shipments, Insurance, Inspection and Invoicing)
     Reporting / Management Accountant for various depots using SAP computer system (cost variations with budgets)

    Mar 04 - Aug 04
    SILVERSMITHS OF TAXCO (United States). Importation Silver Jewellery
    6 Months work placement in 12 cities on the East Coast of the US
     Sales Person for developing Sales of Silver Jewels
     Setting up of an advertising campaign
     Negotiating with suppliers
     Organization of shows

    Sept 03 - Feb 04
    BUCEREP Editions (Toulouse). Advertising Editions
    6 Months work placement seconded to the director of Sales Department
     Prospecting new customers
     Sales person for advertising inserts

    1999 - 2002 Organising summer camps for young children (cubs/girl guides) three years running. The aim was to teach civic responsibility and behaviour and how to become independent (Cooking, making fire, building camps etc...).


  • Lycée Labourdonnais (Curepipe)

    Curepipe 1996 - 1999 BAC ES option Mathématiques

    BAC ES


Annuaire des membres :