

Levallois-Perret Cedex

En résumé

Electric Engineer, specialized in Power Electronics & Industrial Automation at EHTP. And over five years of technical formation, training periods, and the multidisciplinary training program dedicated to cultural, social and organizational activities, which I have been receiving at EHTP,I have previous work experience in :
• Electrical installation design &engineering
• LEAN manufacturing management ( 5S,SMED,PDCA,AMDEC...)
• Electrical machines
• Electrification design &engineering in accordance to international and local codes and standards (the new container terminal TC3 in the Casablanca harbor, administrative building R+4)
• Outdoor and indoor light simulation (DIALUX EVO, DIALUX, RELUX)
• Industrial maintenance management
• Project management
• Project management and human resources,
• Project Costing
• Work in team - spirit of organization and responsibility.
 Member of the team-EHTP represented morocco and north Africa in FREESCALE CUP competition held at Fraunhofer research institute in GERMANY
 Responsible of “project and innovation” at the “EHTPelectropower” club.
 Member of the solidarity development project:"Reviving TADOUART". 2014 (Installing a pump using solar energy as a source - Medical Caravan – Developing a school).

Reliable and hardworking, I am dynamic, ambitious and ready to adapt to a different culture, thanks to the multidisciplinary training program dedicated to cultural, social and organizational activities, which I have been receiving at EHTP.

Mes compétences :
Installation électrique
LEAN manufacturing
Machine électrique
Gestion de la maintenance
Project management


  • Alstom Power - Ingénieur d'étude

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2015 - 2015 L’objectif final est l’optimisation de l’arrêt de la maintenance. Ce PFE, réparti suivant trois étapes clés, comporte les actions suivantes :
    1. Etape théorique : Etude du planning de maintenance existant et identification à l’aide de la méthode « LEAN » des étapes à optimiser, et des paramètres à soulever sur site.
    2. Etape chantier : Suivi des étapes du planning de maintenance sur chantier, et identification des étapes à optimiser
    3. Analyse de l’effet commercial de cette optimisation en termes de coût et de prix de vente et préparation de l’approche client
    A mentionner que durant les trois étapes de ce projet, nous faisions partie du Lean Team d’ALSTOM Allemagne.

    Recommendation from Michael HOLZE
    Project Leader Outage Excellence Team

    Today I want to take the opportunity to thank you for the support of Siham and Said during the outage in Jorf Lasfar. In the last days we had the chance to went through the documents and analyses what the two students have done during the C Inspection on Unit 4 Jorf Lasfar.
    We from the Outage Excellence Team are quite impressed. We got an incredible mass of detail feedback. We are really very positive impressed. We never had a chance to train or discuss our methodologies face to face with them and they take over the lean methodologies and start to analyses our work at site and generate a very positive feedback for us.
    As I mention before more than helpful for us. To implement the Lean Methodologies the continues improvement loop is a major key. To close the loop feedback from site is very imported element.

    Summarized: Both worked in a very professional way.

    We warmly recommend to check if there is a job opportunity for both of them within Alstom. We are clearly aware that the current situation in Alstom is not easy. But maybe there is a chance to arrange something. Minimum would be to elaborate a very positive reference for them.

    Once again I appreciate the support from Siham and Said.
    Thanks a lot
  • Marsa Maroc - Ingénieur étude

    Casablanca 2014 - 2014 Mission:
    - Conception et simulation de l’éclairage du nouveau terminal TC3 de port Casablanca, ainsi que d’un batiment R+4,et un ensemble d’ateliers selon les normes NF EN 12464.
    - Étude de l’installation électrique ( Bilan de puissance, calcul de la section des câbles, dimensionnement des appareils de protection) .
    - Étude d’une installation photovoltaïque pour l’éclairage des bâtiments.
  • Managem - Stage Ingénieur

    Casablanca 2013 - 2013 Etude de poste MCC (motor control center).
    - Départ-moteurs
    - Relais de surcharge
    - Caractéristiques des disjoncteurs et fusibles (notamment, intensités et temps de déclenchement)
    - Transformateurs d’alimentation de la commande
    - Dispositifs d’interface
    - Relais
    - Variateur de vitesse



    Casablanca 2012 - 2015 Génie électrique

    - Technologies de production d’énergie électrique, énergies renouvelables.
    - Réseaux électriques : dimensionnement, Conduite et protection.
    - Conception des postes électriques, protection.
    - Ingénierie des installations électriques, Eclairagisme.
    - Maintenance industrielle, Automatismes industriels.
    - Machines tournantes, Electronique de puissance.
    Logiciels:Caneco BT et HT/Autocad /Dialux.
Annuaire des membres :