Saiful Islam +97450497513 | |Doha, Qatar
Date: 06/08/2018
Dear Hiring Manager Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the electrician role at your company. After reviewing your job description, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role, and can perform them confidently, given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills and successfully do the job adept and perform above expectations.
I am a hard-working professional who has consistently praised as results-oriented by my co-workers and management. Over the course of my 6-year career, I’ve developed a skill set directly relevant to the electrician rule you are hiring for, including power systems. I have consistently demon started problem solving ,team work ,and technical abilities In every aspect of my electrician poor man role at Karim mofijul treading and contacting w.l.l,and I invite you to review my detailed achievement in the attached resume .
After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that I am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I am look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization .please contract me to +97450497513 or via email at to arrange for convenient meeting time
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon
Saiful islam
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office
Pas de formation renseignée