TRANS WORLD SHIPPING SARL was founded in 2009 by Mr SAMI BEN CHALBI. For more than 4 years it has been one of his leaders in the Tunisian Transportation field. Freight Forwarder, Shipping Agent, forwarder broker, land haulage co, and multimodal/door-to-door solutions provider, we have always given full satisfaction to all our partners, principals, and customers all over the world. Thanks to a great capacity of adaptation, our Company has always been able to meet with the needs of the Tunisian and International Economic developments. .
TRANS WORLD SHIPPING is a young World Wide Freight Forwarder, specialized in Groupage and containerised shipping services to/from various destinations worldwide.As a young and dynamic company, we aim to provide a service that goes beyond just selling of space.With its central location in Sousse Port Tunsia , TWS is in a perfect position to spot a potential problem and solve it before it becomes the customer’s problem.
The handling of all kinds of high and heavy equipment, container and lcl cargoes, are our specialty.
We can offer you the best possible option for your cargo and provide excellent shipping opportunities offered by our various shipping line partners.
Supported through a network of major shipping line partners, agents and inland road transport companies, TWS is a global network , We provide to our customers reliable and cost-effective all round transport solution.